About Rail Crossovers

Crossover tools facilitate the drawing of crossover switches connecting parallel rail alignments.

You can choose crossover types from a library which you can edit, delete, or supplement, as needed. Find the crossover tools on the Civil 3D Rail ribbon tab.

Turnout Tool Commands Description
Rail tab Crossover panel Create C3D_RailConnection Creates a crossover on existing rail alignments. Specify the crossover type, direction, location, and labels from the Draw Rail Connection dialog box.
Rail tab Crossover panel Edit C3D_RCEdit Allows for editing crossovers in your drawing. Change the crossover type, direction, location, and labels from the Draw Rail Connection dialog box.
Rail tab Crossover panel Erase C3D_RCErase Removes existing crossovers from a rail alignment.

A crossover adds an element joined by two turnouts that connect two existing parallel alignments. The alignments must be a sufficient length and distance apart to generate a crossover.