About Rail Turnouts

Turnout tools facilitate the drawing of turnouts for branching rail alignments.

You can choose turnout types from a library which you can edit, delete, or supplement, as needed. Find the turnout tools on the Civil 3D Rail ribbon tab.

Turnout Tool Commands Description
Rail tab Turnout panel Create C3D_Turnout Creates a turnout on an existing rail alignment. Specify the turnout type, direction, location, and labels from the Draw turnout dialog box.
Rail tab Turnout panel Edit C3D_TurnOutEdit Allows for editing turnouts in your drawing. Change the turnout type, direction, location, and labels from the Draw Turnout dialog box.
Rail tab Turnout panel Erase C3D_TurnOutErase Removes existing turnouts from a rail alignment.
Rail tab Turnout panel Turnout Table c3d_switchtable Places turnout-specific tabular information in your drawing. Define the displayed data, and create and select turnout tables in the Turnout Report Table dialog box.
Rail tab Turnout panel Turnout Catalog C3D_TurnOutCatalogue Review, edit, and create turnouts for use in your drawing in the Turnout Catalog dialog box.

A turnout adds an alignment that branches from the source alignment. Use the alignment editing tools to design and draw additional rail alignments.

Note: If you edit a turnout after placing new alignments, the additional alignments may be deleted.