About the Part-Based Pressure Network Profile Layout Tools
Use the Pressure Network Profile Layout ribbon to work with pressure networks in profile view.
To access the Pressure Network Profile Layout tab, select a pressure network in the profile. On the Modify panel, click Edit NetworkProfile Layout ToolsFind.
Note: The pressure network must exist in profile view before you can access the Pressure Network Profile Layout ribbon.
The following commands are available on the Network Settings panel:
Reference Surface: Specifies the reference surface, which is used to establish the pressure network levels.
Reference Alignment: Specifies the reference alignment, which provides chainage and offset information for the pressure network.
Pressure Network Parts List: Specifies the pressure network parts list, which contains the parts that are available during layout.
The following commands are available on the Layout panel:
Pipes & Bends: Creates part-based pressure network pipe segments in profile view and inserts vertical bends at directional changes.
Add Pressure Pipe: Adds a pressure pipe or a series of connected pipes to a part-based pressure network in profile view.
Add Bend: Adds a vertical bend to a part-based pressure network in profile view.
Note: Other types of fittings available in the default catalogues cannot be added in profile view.
Add Ancillary: Adds an ancillary to a part-based pressure network in profile view.
The following commands are available on the Modify panel:
Bend: Converts a straight pressure pipe segment to a curved segment in profile view.
Follow Surface: Modifies pressure network parts so that they follow the reference surface's level.
Break Pipe: Breaks a pressure pipe into two pressure pipes at a selected point. The pressure pipes are connected, and are contained in the same network as the original pressure pipe.
Delete Part: Deletes selected pressure network parts from the pressure network. Use the Delete Part command to delete the network parts from the drawing (using this option deletes the part from both profile and plan view). Using the AutoCAD Erase command to erase a part in profile view removes the object from the profile view only.
Panorama: Opens the pressure network Panorama, which you can use to view and edit pressure network properties.
Change Slope: Modifies the slope of multiple connected part-based pressure network parts.
Change Elevation: Modifies the elevation of multiple selected parts in a part-based pressure network by moving them in the profile view.