
The getparam scripts queries the export plug-in parameters where [arg] is a recognized export parameter.

FBXExporterGetParam returns the value of the named parameter. If the parameter is unrecognized or the wrong number of arguments are provided, the value "unsupplied" is returned.

For a list of supported parameters, see FBXExporterGetParam [arg] [value].

FBXExporterSetParam [arg] [value]

The setparam scripts set the specified argument for export where [arg] is a recognized export parameter and [value] is an appropriate value for the supported parameter. For example, to prevent the export of cameras:

FBXExporterSetParam "Cameras" false

"FBXExporterSetParam" returns "OK" if successful or "unsupplied" if it is sent an unrecognized parameter.

"FBXExporterSetParam" returns "unsupplied" if the wrong number of arguments are passed.

For example, to query the export camera’s state:

	FBXExporterGetParam "Cameras"
Export Selected

A specific MAXscript exists for performing the export of only selected objects ("Export Selected"). Use the following

exportFile "<path>" #noPrompt selectedOnly:true

Where <path> is the location to where you want to export your object(s).

"FBXExporterSetParam" recognizes the following parameter and values:

Name Value
"Animation" True or false. See Animation for an explanation of this setting.
"ASCII" True or false. See Type for an explanation of this setting.
"AxisConversionMethod" "None", "Animation", or "Fbx_Root". See Axis Conversion for an explanation of this setting.
"BakeAnimation" True or false. See Bake Animation for an explanation of this setting.
"BakeFrameStart" Integer value. See Bake Animation for an explanation of this setting.
"BakeFrameEnd" Integer value. See Bake Animation for an explanation of this setting.
"BakeFrameStep" Integer value. See Bake Animation for an explanation of this setting.
"BakeResampleAnimation" True or false. See Resample All for an explanation of this setting.
"Cameras" True or false. See Cameras for an explanation of this setting.
"CAT2HIK" True or false. See CAT Characters as HIK for an explanation of this setting.
"ColladaTriangulate" True or false. See Triangulate for an explanation of this setting.
"ColladaSingleMatrix" True or false. See Single Matrix for an explanation of this setting.
"ColladaFrameRate" Float (in frames). See Frame Rate for an explanation of this setting.
"Convert2Tiff" True or false. This converts non-TIFF-formatted texture images into TIFF format which makes them readable in other applications that do not support other image types.
"ConvertUnit" "mm" or "cm" or "dm" or "m" or "km" or "in" or "ft" or "mi" or "yd". See Scene Units Converted To for an explanation of this setting.
"ExportAnimationOnly" True or false. When true, only animation data is exported, without any mesh data. Note: this parameter is only available through MAXScript, it does not appear on the UI.
"EmbedTextures" True or false. See Embed Media for an explanation of this setting.
"FileVersion" "FBX201400" or "FBX201300" or "FBX201200" or FBX201100" or "FBX201000" or "FBX200900" or "FBX200611". See Axis Conversion for an explanation of this setting.
"FilterKeyReducer" True or false. See Constant Key Reducer for an explanation of this setting.
"GeomAsBone" True or false. See Convert deforming Dummies as Bones for an explanation of this setting.
"GenerateLog" True or False. See Generate Log Data for an explanation of this setting.
"Lights" True or false. See Lights for an explanation of this setting.
"LoadExportPresetFile" "x" where x is the name of the preset file. See Export presets for an explanation of this setting.
"NormalsPerPoly" True or false. See Split Per-Vertex Normals for an explanation of this setting.
"PointCache" True or false. See Point Cache File(s) for an explanation of this setting.
"PopSettings" This setting preserves the current state of the settings when you perform a One-Click operation. FBXExporterSetParam "PopSettings" loads all I / OSettings.
"Preserveinstances" True or false. See Preserve Instances for an explanation of this setting.
"PushSettings" This setting preserves the current state of the settings when you perform a One-Click operation. FBXExporterSetParam "PushSettings" saves all I / OSettings.
"Removesinglekeys" True or false. See Remove Single Key for an explanation of this setting.
"Resampling" Float. See Unroll Rotations for an explanation of this setting.
"ResetExport" Loads the Autodesk Media & Entertainment export preset. SeeExport Presets for an explanation of this setting.
"ScaleFactor" Float. See Scale Factor for an explanation of this setting.
"SelectionSet" Name of the selection set to use. See Point Cache File(s) for an explanation of this setting.
"SelectionSetExport" True or false. See Selection Sets for an explanation of this setting.
"Shape" True or false. See "Morphs" in Deformations for an explanation of this setting.
"Skin" True or false. See "Skin" in Deformations for an explanation of this setting.
"ShowWarnings" True or false. See Show/Hide Warning Manager for an explanation of this setting.
"SmoothingGroups" True or false. See Smoothing Groups for an explanation of this setting.
"SmoothMeshExport" True or false. See Turbosmooth for an explanation of this setting.
"SplitAnimationIntoTakes" "takename" which is the name of the take to use, followed by "frameStart", "frameEnd" to define the interval.
Use "-c|-clear" to clear the accumulator.
Note: Take001 exists regardless of how many splits are defined. Do not set a "frameEnd" < "frameStart". If "frameStart" and "frameEnd" do not define an interval with keys the split function will not validate it. If no animation keys are in the range, a take is created with no keys.
"TangentSpaceExport" True or false. See Tangents and Binormals for an explanation of this setting.
"Triangulate" True or false. See Triangulate for an explanation of this setting.
"UpAxis" "Y" or "Z". See Axis Conversion for an explanation of this setting.
"UseSceneName" True or false. See Use Scene Name for an explanation of this setting.