Advance beam processing allows you to create almost any beam contour processing. A beam can also be processed by another element.
Processing is dependent on the UCS and is created parallel to the current coordinate system. When creating a processing, a suitable coordinate system must first be set up. It is recommended (especially for contour processing curved beam) to place a user coordinate system at the beam before processing.
Some of the processing tools work independently of the current coordinate system. For example, trim and cope tools are relative to the identified objects.
Usually, trims and copes are created as processing objects relative to the selected objects.
The selected beam end is shortened or extended by the processing object.
Often the exact shortening value is unknown. In this case, you can place a coordinate system with the x/y plane in the sectional plane (often at an existing object) and the selected beam end you can cut and shorten in this plane.
Create copes at the selected beam end, either at the top or at the bottom. They are always perpendicular to the beam.
A contour is created on a beam. It can be attached either as an inner contour or as an outer contour.
Some commands, such as creating a rectangular processing, a center point or two diagonally opposite points to determine a contour must be entered after identifying the beam end.
Rectangular contour processing by center point
Rectangular contour processing by two points
Circular contour processing by center point
Cut a beam by another beam.