Learn how to create lists in several different formats using the information from your model.
Topics in this section
Create Lists on Drawings
You can create lists in several different formats, in any drawing linked to an Advance model. You can also create several lists on the same drawing, for example, a bolt list and a material list.
Create a Details List
Using this command you can create a list that contains information about specific details in a drawing, based on your selection.
Example: Create a Bill of Material on an Overview Drawing
Here is an example where a simple model is used to highlight the two commands which create Bills of Material on a drawing, and the respective outputs: Insert a Details List and Insert a Drawing list.
The BOM Editor
Learn about the options available in the BOM editor.
Filter Bills of Materials Created on Drawings
Besides filtering a bill of materials created on a detail based on the object type, you can also use all the options available in the Search filter tool, including Model Role filtering, Material, Level,etc.