To Create a 2D or 3D Elevation

Use this procedure to create a 2D or 3D elevation. After you draw an elevation line, you extract an elevation from the elevation line and the objects you select in the building model.

When you create a 2D elevation, the object that is created is a 2D Section/Elevation object. Both 2D sections and elevations share the same object type and style.

Tip: Before you create an elevation, thaw and turn on all layers of objects in the building model that you want to include in the elevation. Objects on layers that are off or frozen cannot be part of the selection set for the elevation. To speed performance, turn off the layers of the objects that you do not need to include in the elevation.
  1. Draw an elevation line in the drawing.
  2. Select the elevation line.
  3. Click Building Elevation Line tabModify panelGenerate Elevation.
  4. Select the type of elevation object you want to create:
    If you want to create… Then…
    a 2D elevation select 2D Section/Elevation Object with Hidden Line Removal.
    a 3D elevation select 3D Section/Elevation Object.
  5. For Style to Generate, select a style for a 2D elevation.

    If you want to use a particular style, select it from Style to Generate. Otherwise, use the Standard style.

    3D elevations do not use styles.

  6. Under Selection Set, click (Select Objects), select the objects that you want to include in the elevation, and press Enter.
    Note: If you select an object that you do not want to include in the elevation, press and hold Shift and select the object again to remove it from the selection set.
  7. Under Display Set, select a display set for the elevation object.

    The display set controls the representation of the elevation.

  8. Under Placement, select New Object, and specify where to place the elevation:
    If you want to… Then…
    specify a location graphically click (Pick Point), and specify the location for the new elevation object in the drawing.
    specify the coordinates of the insertion point for the elevation enter X, Y, and Z coordinates for the location of the new elevation object.
  9. Click OK.

    A 2D or 3D elevation is created from the elevation line properties and the selected objects in the building model. The elevation is linked to the building model. If you make changes to the building model after you create the elevation, you can update the elevation to reflect the changes.

You can edit certain characteristics of the elevation to control its placement and appearance.

You can also use a 2D section/elevation style to control the display of selected objects in a 2D elevation, and you can control the display of individual lines in a 2D elevation.