To Remove Nodes From Layout Curves

Use this procedure to remove nodes from layout curves.

You can remove nodes from only those layout curves that have manually spaced or evenly spaced nodes. Layout curves with nodes at fixed repeated spacing cannot be changed without changing either the length of the curve or the spacing of the first node.

Removing a node from a layout curve using grips

  1. Select the layout curve by selecting one of the node anchors.
  2. Click a Remove Node grip.

    Alternatively, you can click Layout Curve tabModify panelRemove Node.

    • If you have removed a node from a layout curve with manual nodes, the node is removed from the specified position. The position of the other nodes remains unchanged.
    • If you have removed a node from a layout curve with evenly spaced nodes, the node is removed from the specified position and the remaining nodes are recalculated, so that they are evenly spaced again.
  3. Right-click, and click Deselect All to turn off grips.