About Synchronization Options

When a project uses standards, it needs to be synchronized with the standards in regular intervals to make sure the standards are observed. During synchronization with its standards, the styles and display settings in the project or project drawing are compared with the project standards, to find version discrepancies between them, and fix them.

You can set different synchronization options. Before deciding on settings, you should review your desired workflow to find the optimal choice. Keep in mind that the option you select will be in effect for all users of the project.

Automatic Synchronization

If you select automatic synchronization, the following behavior is defined for the synchronization:

Semi-Automatic Synchronization

If you select semi-automatic synchronization, the following behavior is defined for the synchronization:

Manual Synchronization

If you select manual synchronization, the following behavior is defined for the synchronization:

The synchronization settings are valid for all users of the project. So the synchronization method selected should reflect the workflow needs of the majority of users. For example, if you want all users to be in synch with all project standards at all times, you should choose automatic synchronization. If you want greater transparency and user control, you could choose semi-automatic or manual synchronization.

If you have selected automatic synchronization, the synchronization of project drawings will run “invisible” in the background. On opening, each drawing will automatically be synchronized with the standards without notification to the user. If you have selected semi-automatic or manual synchronization, you have more control and information about the synchronization process; you can display lists of not standardized styles and display settings, nonstandard versions, or older versions, and individually decide if you want to update or ignore them.