To View Display Configurations

Use this procedure to view the display configurations available in the current drawing. The display configurations depend on the template used to create the drawing. A drawing not created from a template contains the Standard display configuration, which includes the Model and Plan display sets.

The following icons can be assigned to a display configuration:

Icon Description
Multiple view display configuration
Fixed view display configuration
Multiple view display configuration (drawing default)
Fixed view display configuration (drawing default)
Default display set used in the display configuration. This set is used for all views that are not otherwise connected to a display set.
Display set used for the top view of the display configuration.
Display set used for the bottom view of the display configuration.
Display set used for the left side view of the display configuration.
Display set used for the right side view of the display configuration.
Display set used for the front view of the display configuration.
Display set used for the back view of the display configuration.
Display set used for the multiple views of the display configuration, but not as the default display set.
  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelDisplay Manager.
  2. Expand Configurations, and select a configuration.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.

    The left pane lists the display sets included in the configuration. The right pane lists the display sets assigned to each view direction. If a display set is not listed next to a view direction, the display set for the Default view direction is used when that view direction is selected. The Default view direction is also used for any view directions other than the six orthogonal views.

  4. Click the Cut Plane tab.

    The Cut Plane tab contains settings for the height of the cut plane and the height above and below the cut plane that are included in views when you assign this display configuration.

    If you are working with a project, you can also calculate the cut plane based on the level heights from the project.

  5. If you are working with a project and use project standards, you can use the Version History tab to modify the version history of the display configuration.
  6. Click OK.