Creates an AutoCAD Electrical toolset drawing file and adds it to the active project.
FindOn the Project Manager, click the New Drawing button.
To create the drawing in an existing folder within the project, select the folder name in Project Manager before clicking New Drawing.
Name |
Specifies the file name for the new drawing.
Note: The .dwg extension is not required in the edit box.
Template |
Specifies the path and filename for a drawing template (.dwt) to use for the new drawing. If left blank, the default ACAD.DWT file is used. |
For Reference Only |
Indicates that the drawing should not be included in tagging, cross-referencing, and reporting functions. If selected, the drawing is included in project-wide plotting and title block operations. |
Location |
Specifies the location for a drawing file. If left blank, the drawing file is created at the same location as the definition file of the active project. |
Description 1-3 |
Specifies up to three lines of description text for the drawing file. Drawing descriptions can be mapped to title block attributes and included in the drawing list report.
Note: Drawing descriptions are disabled if the drawing is not in a project or if the project file is unavailable for edit.
Specifies default values for the drawing, such as Project (%P), Installation (%I), and Location (%L) fields. The %I and %L default values are used if the Installation and/or Location values on a component are blank.
Project Code |
Specifies a project code for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %P. |
Installation Code |
Specifies the Installation code for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %I. |
Location Code |
Specifies the Location code for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %L. |
Drawing |
Displays a list of Installation or Location codes to select from the active drawing. |
Project |
Displays a list of Installation or Location codes to select from the active project or from the Default.INST or Default.LOC file. |
Sheet |
Specifies the sheet number value for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %S. |
Drawing |
Specifies the drawing number value for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %D. |
Section |
Specifies the section value for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %A. |
Sub-Section |
Specifies the subsection value for the drawing. This value can be used as the replaceable parameter %B. |
Creates the drawing file and opens the Drawing Properties dialog box where you can define the drawing properties such as tagging formats, reference style, and more.