Report Generator Dialog Box

Displays the results of the report generation. The dialog box options that are available depend on which report you are creating.




Command entry: AEPANELREPORT



List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Displays the selected items at the top of each section in the report.

Displays the header information inside the report. Select to add the time/date, a title line, project lines, or column labels.
First Section Only
Displays the selected header item at the top of the first section only. The header information is no longer displayed at the top of each section.


Add Page Breaks
Adds a page break every 58th line.
Special Breaks
Specifies the value that controls the section break. The drop-down list displays the special breaks allowed for the report.
Add Special Break Values to Header
Adds the special break value to the page header. For example, if you select a special break of Installation/Location, the installation and location values for the section are displayed in the section header.


Controls the spacing between columns. Select 1 for the least space between columns and select 3 for the most space.

Add Blanks Between Entries

Adds a blank line between report entries.


Displays a dialog box where you select the fields to sort the report.

User Post

Displays a dialog box where you can select options for post-processing the report data. Each report has an associated lisp file (.lsp) and dialog box definition file (.dcl). These files can be customized to meet any post-processing needs for a report.

Use these tables to determine the name of the .lsp and .dcl files for a report.

Schematic Report User post file name for .lsp and .dcl

Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format


Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format (Group by Installation/Location)


Bill of Materials - Display in Tallied Purchase List Format


Bill of Materials - Display in “By Tag” Format


Missing Bill of Material




Wire From/To


Component Wire List


Connector Plug


PLC I/O Address and Descriptions


PLC I/O Component Connection


PLC Modules Used So Far


Terminal Numbers


Terminal Plan


Connector Summary


Connector Detail


Cable Summary


Cable From/To


Wire Label


Panel Report User post file name for .lsp and .dcl

Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format


Bill of Materials - Normal Tallied Format (Group by Installation/Location)


Bill of Materials - Display in Tallied Purchase List Format


Bill of Materials - Display in “By Tag” Format






Wire Connection


Component Exception


Terminal Exception


Wire Annotation Exception


Change Report Format

Opens a dialog box where you can specify which fields to include in the report, the field order, and the field labels. Once you modify the report format, you can save it for future use in a .set file.

(for Wire Label report only) There are two categories that you can change the report format for: wire label or cable label. The wire and cable label formats are stored in the same .set file.

Edit Mode/Edit Wire Label/Edit Cable Label

Opens a dialog box where you can edit the report data. You can move data up or down in the report, add lines from a catalog, and delete lines.

Put on Drawing

Opens a dialog box where you can specify table settings and insert the report as a table. Settings include:

  • Table style
  • Column width
  • Title
  • Layer
  • Section definition and placement
Note: Not available for the Wire Label report.

Save to File

Opens a dialog box where you can define the file settings and save the report to a file. Settings include:

  • File types
  • Whether to include title lines, time, date, column labels, and more
  • Whether to show the included lines on the first section only when a report contains multiple sections


Prints the report. Select the printer, print range, and number of copies.

Suppress Subcatalog Entries

(Component Report only) The component report displays all components and their related catalog numbers. A component can have a primary catalog value, associated subassembly catalog values, and multiple catalog values. This option removes the subassembly and multiple catalog values from the report and displays only the primary catalog value.

Pin Chart

(Connector Plug Report only) The pin chart displays the pin and wiring information associated with a selected connector. Selecting On displays a dialog box where you select the pin chart options.

Tag Name
Filters the report for the selected tag value.
Remove Duplicated Pin Numbers
Eliminates any duplicate pin numbers for the selected plug from the report.
Left Side / Right Side
Displays the wiring information from the left or right side of the connector. This option is available when duplicated pins are removed.
Fill In Missing Pin Numbers
Specifies the pin number range for the connector and the label for any unused pins.

Internal/External Codes Left/Right

(Terminal Plan Report only) Formats the report based on the optional "I" (Internal) and "E" (external) codes on the wire connection on the terminal.

Plug/Male Side - Jack/Female Side - Show All

(Connector Details Report only) These three radio buttons work with the Type attribute value of either P for Plug (male) or J for Jack (female).

Display Setup

(Wire Label report only) Opens a dialog box where you specify the setup for the labels.

Display Wire Label
Displays the report in a wire label format
Display Cable Label
Displays the report in a cable label format
Label Arrangement
Arranges the labels horizontally or vertically across the columns.
Label Quantity per Connection
Specifies the quantity of wire labels or cable labels. Wire labels are generated for every wire connection while cable labels are generated once for every cable.
Number of Columns to Display
Arranges the labels in the specified number of columns.


(Wire Annotation Exception report only) Opens a dialog box where you can surf to the components in the report.