OEM Configurator for Custom Applications

On the Start menu, click All Programs Autodesk Autodesk Inventor OEM [version]

The Inventor OEM Configurator dialog box provides the options to configure OEM to be your application, and to create the installer for your application. You can resize the dialog box.

If you have the required administrator privileges, you can run the configurator at any time to edit the elements that are listed on each tab. With the OEM Configurator, you can change:
Sets the unique elements of the user-interface that define a product. For example, the splash screen, background image, application icon, and application name.
Defines which standard capabilities of Inventor are available in your application. For example, the types of documents it supports, the primary add-in, and shortcut keys.

The following image illustrates typical input for the iBlock example program.

Sometimes the OEM Configurator does not create an installer with the functionality or look that you want for your application. You can customize it, or create an installer using other installation tools that you are familiar with. These files can be useful as a starting point for your installer. They help to document the files and settings required to create a successful installation.

Installer settings for OEM Configurator

The installer built by the OEM Configurator is a sample installer. Use it as an example of the files to choose and the options to set when including the required merge modules. You can quickly build and test your application to verify that it is possible to create an installation. For different options and a different look for your installer, choose an installer application, and create your own.