3ds Max C++ API Reference
MSPluginObject< TYPE > Class Template Reference

#include <mxsPlugin.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MSPluginObject< TYPE >:

Public Member Functions

void DeleteThis ()
 MSPluginObject ()
HWND AddRollupPage (HINSTANCE hInst, const MCHAR *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, const MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD vflags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD) override
void DeleteRollupPage (HWND hRollup) override
IRollupWindowGetRollupWindow () override
void RollupMouseMessage (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override
ReferenceTargetget_delegate ()
void GetClassName (MSTR &s, bool localized=true) const override
Class_ID ClassID ()
void FreeCaches ()
int NumSubs ()
AnimatableSubAnim (int i)
MSTR SubAnimName (int i, bool localized=true) override
int NumParamBlocks ()
IParamBlock2GetParamBlock (int i)
IParamBlock2GetParamBlockByID (BlockID id)
voidGetInterface (ULONG id)
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
RefResult NotifyRefChanged (const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID &partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate)
int NumRefs ()
RefTargetHandle GetReference (int i)
void SetReference (int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
void RefDeleted ()
IOResult Save (ISave *iSave)
IOResult Load (ILoad *iLoad)
void RefAdded (RefMakerHandle rm)
void NotifyTarget (int msg, RefMakerHandle rm)
const MCHARGetObjectName (bool localized=true) const override
void BeginEditParams (IObjParam *objParam, ULONG vflags, Animatable *pPrev)
void EndEditParams (IObjParam *objParam, ULONG vflags, Animatable *pNext)
int HitTest (TimeValue t, INode *inode, int type, int crossing, int vflags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)
int Display (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, int vflags)
void GetWorldBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box)
void GetLocalBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box)
void Snap (TimeValue t, INode *inode, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)
CreateMouseCallBackGetCreateMouseCallBack ()
void SetGenUVW (BOOL sw)
ObjectState Eval (TimeValue time)
void InitNodeName (MSTR &s)
Interval ObjectValidity (TimeValue t)
int CanConvertToType (Class_ID obtype)
ObjectConvertToType (TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype)
void GetCollapseTypes (Tab< Class_ID > &clist, Tab< MSTR * > &nlist)
void GetDeformBBox (TimeValue t, Box3 &box, Matrix3 *tm, BOOL useSel)
int IntersectRay (TimeValue t, Ray &r, float &at, Point3 &norm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MSPlugin
 MSPlugin ()
virtual ~MSPlugin ()
void init (MSPluginClass *pClass)
ScripterExport void gc_trace ()
ScripterExport void collect ()
void DeleteThis ()
ScripterExport void RefDeleted ()
void init_locals ()
void call_handler (Value *handler, Value **arg_list, int count, TimeValue t, BOOL disable_on_error=FALSE)
Value_call_handler (Value *handler, Value **arg_list, int count, TimeValue t, BOOL disable_on_error=FALSE)
FPStatus call_handler (const MCHAR *handler_name, FPParams *params, FPValue &result, TimeValue t, BOOL disable_on_error=FALSE)
FPStatus call_handler (Value *handler, FPParams *params, FPValue &result, TimeValue t, BOOL disable_on_error=FALSE)
void post_create (ReferenceTarget *me, BOOL loading)
void call_all_set_handlers ()
void disable ()
void enable ()
BOOL enabled ()
int get_local_index (Value *prop)
Valueget_local (int index)
void set_local (int index, Value *val)
ScripterExport IParamBlock2GetParamBlockByID (BlockID id)
ScripterExport RefResult NotifyRefChanged (const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID &partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate)
ScripterExport RefTargetHandle clone_from (MSPlugin *obj, ReferenceTarget *obj_as_ref, RemapDir &remap)
void RefAdded (RefMakerHandle rm)
void NotifyTarget (int msg, RefMakerHandle rm)
IOResult Load (ILoad *iLoad)
void post_load (ILoad *iLoad, int which)
void dump_local_vars_and_externals (int indentLevel)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Value
virtual ScripterExport BOOL is_kind_of (ValueMetaClass *c)
virtual ScripterExport ValueMetaClasslocal_base_class ()
virtual Valueeval ()
virtual Valueeval_no_wrapper ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply_no_alloc_frame (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=NULL)
virtual void export_to_scripter ()
virtual Valuemap (node_map &m)
virtual Valuemap_path (PathName *path, node_map &m)
virtual Valuefind_first (BOOL(*test_fn)(INode *node, int level, const void *arg), const void *test_arg)
virtual Valueget_path (PathName *path)
virtual ScripterExport void sprin1 (CharStream *stream)
virtual ScripterExport void sprint (CharStream *stream)
virtual void prin1 ()
virtual void print ()
virtual ScripterExport Class_ID get_max_class_id ()
virtual ScripterExport Valuedelete_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual ScripterExport ValueclearSelection_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual float to_float ()
virtual double to_double ()
virtual const MCHARto_string ()
virtual MSTR to_mstr ()
virtual MSTR to_filename ()
virtual int to_int ()
virtual INT64 to_int64 ()
virtual INT_PTR to_intptr ()
virtual BOOL to_bool ()
virtual BitArrayto_bitarray ()
virtual Point4 to_point4 ()
virtual Point3 to_point3 ()
virtual Point2 to_point2 ()
virtual AColor to_acolor ()
virtual COLORREF to_colorref ()
virtual INodeto_node ()
virtual Ray to_ray ()
virtual Interval to_interval ()
virtual Quat to_quat ()
virtual AngAxis to_angaxis ()
virtual Matrix3to_matrix3 ()
virtual Box3 to_box3 ()
virtual float * to_eulerangles ()
virtual Mtlto_mtl ()
virtual Texmapto_texmap ()
virtual MtlBaseto_mtlbase ()
virtual Modifierto_modifier ()
virtual TimeValue to_timevalue ()
virtual Controlto_controller ()
virtual Atmosphericto_atmospheric ()
virtual Effectto_effect ()
virtual IMultiPassCameraEffectto_mpassCamEffect ()
virtual ShadowTypeto_shadowtype ()
virtual FilterKernelto_filter ()
virtual INodeto_rootnode ()
virtual ITrackViewNodeto_trackviewnode ()
virtual NURBSIndependentPointto_nurbsindependentpoint ()
virtual NURBSPointto_nurbspoint ()
virtual NURBSObjectto_nurbsobject ()
virtual NURBSControlVertexto_nurbscontrolvertex ()
virtual NURBSCurveto_nurbscurve ()
virtual NURBSCVCurveto_nurbscvcurve ()
virtual NURBSSurfaceto_nurbssurface ()
virtual NURBSTexturePointto_nurbstexturepoint ()
virtual NURBSSetto_nurbsset ()
virtual ReferenceTargetto_reftarg ()
virtual Meshto_mesh ()
virtual BezierShapeto_beziershape ()
virtual Thunkto_thunk ()
virtual void to_fpvalue (FPValue &v)
virtual Rendererto_renderer ()
virtual Box2to_box2 ()
virtual NURBSTextureSurfaceto_nurbstexturesurface ()
virtual NURBSDisplayto_nurbsdisplay ()
virtual TessApproxto_tessapprox ()
virtual Valuewiden_to (Value *arg, Value **arg_list)
virtual BOOL comparable (Value *arg)
virtual BOOL special_case_compare (Value *arg, bool &specialCaseCompareResult)
virtual ScripterExport Valuedeep_copy (HashTable *remapper)
virtual BOOL is_const ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueget_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
virtual ScripterExport Valueset_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop)
virtual ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val)
virtual Valueget_container_property (Value *prop, Value *cur_prop)
virtual Valueset_container_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *cur_prop)
virtual BOOL _is_collection ()
virtual BOOL _is_charstream ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutcontrol ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutthunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_function ()
virtual BOOL _is_selection ()
virtual BOOL _is_thunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_indirect_thunk ()
virtual SelectionIteratorselection_iterator ()
virtual void drop_MAX_refs ()
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_permanent ()
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_static ()
ScripterExport Valueget_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valueget_stack_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valuemigrate_to_heap ()
ScripterExport Valueget_live_ptr ()
virtual BOOL object_supports_case_sensitive_names ()
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop, Value *prop_name_as_parsed)
ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *prop_name_as_parsed)
virtual ScripterExport Valueget_case_sensitive_property (Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name)
virtual ScripterExport Valueset_case_sensitive_property (Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name)
ScripterExport Valueinvoke_getter_case_sensitive_property (Value *target, getter_vf getter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name)
ScripterExport Valueinvoke_setter_case_sensitive_property (Value *target, setter_vf setter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
ScripterExport Collectable ()
virtual ScripterExport ~Collectable ()
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz, char flag)
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val, char flag)
ScripterExport bool derives_from_Animatable ()
virtual BOOL derives_from_MAXWrapper ()
ScripterExport void make_collectable ()
void make_permanent ()
void make_static ()
int is_marked ()
int is_not_marked ()
int is_garbage ()
int is_permanent ()
void mark_in_use ()
void unmark_in_use ()
int has_heap_copy ()
int is_in_heap ()
int is_on_stack ()

Public Attributes

- Public Attributes inherited from MSPlugin
Value ** locals
short flags
int version
Tab< IParamBlock2 * > pblocks
- Public Attributes inherited from Value
- Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
byte flags
byte flags2
short flags3

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
static ScripterExport void for_all_values (void(*map_fn)(Value *val), ValueMapper *mapper=NULL, ValueMetaClass *c=NULL)
static void mark ()
static void sweep ()
static void setup (size_t)
static ScripterExport void gc ()
static void coalesce_free_list ()
static void close_down ()
static void drop_maxwrapper_refs ()
static ScripterExport void push_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport void pop_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport ULONGLONG get_num_values_created ()
static ScripterExport bool validate_value_linkages ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
static CRITICAL_SECTION heap_update
static Collectablecollectable_list
static Collectablepermanent_list
static free_memfree_list [GC_NUM_SUBLISTS]
static size_t heap_allocated
static size_t heap_size
static ScripterExport collectable_state state
static ScripterExport bool fullCollectNextHoldFlush
static bool gc_light
static bool in_gc
static HANDLE hGCCompletedEvent
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Value
static ScripterExport Valuekeyarg_marker_value

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MSPluginObject()

MSPluginObject ( )
455 : TYPE(){}

Member Function Documentation

◆ DeleteThis()

◆ AddRollupPage()

HWND AddRollupPage ( HINSTANCE  hInst,
const MCHAR dlgTemplate,
DLGPROC  dlgProc,
const MCHAR title,
LPARAM  param = 0,
DWORD  vflags = 0,
int  category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD 

Implements MSPlugin.

◆ DeleteRollupPage()

void DeleteRollupPage ( HWND  hRollup)

Implements MSPlugin.

◆ GetRollupWindow()

IRollupWindow* GetRollupWindow ( )

Implements MSPlugin.

◆ RollupMouseMessage()

void RollupMouseMessage ( HWND  hDlg,
UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

Implements MSPlugin.

◆ get_delegate()

◆ GetClassName()

void GetClassName ( MSTR s,
bool  localized = true 
) const

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >.

465 { UNUSED_PARAM(localized); s = pc->name->to_string(); } // non-localized name
#define UNUSED_PARAM(x)
Definition: BuildWarnings.h:18
Value * name
Definition: mxsobjects.h:540
MSPluginClass * pc
Definition: mxsPlugin.h:352
virtual const MCHAR * to_string()
Definition: value.h:178

◆ ClassID()

◆ FreeCaches()

◆ NumSubs()

int NumSubs ( )

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >.

468 { return pblocks.Count(); }
Tab< IParamBlock2 * > pblocks
Definition: mxsPlugin.h:357
int Count() const
Retrieves the number of items in the Tab.
Definition: tab.h:219

◆ SubAnim()

◆ SubAnimName()

MSTR SubAnimName ( int  i,
bool  localized = true 

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >.

471  {
472  if (pblocks[i]->GetDesc()->local_name != 0)
473  {
474  return localized ? pblocks[i]->GetLocalName() : pblocks[i]->GetDesc()->int_name.data();
475  }
476  else
477  {
478  return _T("");
479  }
480  }

◆ NumParamBlocks()

◆ GetParamBlock()

◆ GetParamBlockByID()

◆ GetInterface() [1/2]

void* GetInterface ( ULONG  id)

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >.

484 { if (id == I_MAXSCRIPTPLUGIN) return (MSPlugin*)this; else return TYPE::GetInterface(id); }
CoreExport FPInterface * GetInterface(SClass_ID super, Class_ID cls, Interface_ID id)
Get ID'd interface from ClassDesc for given class/sclass.
Definition: mxsPlugin.h:350
An Animatable supporting this interface is a MSPlugin.
Definition: AnimatableInterfaceIDs.h:67

◆ GetInterface() [2/2]

virtual BaseInterface* GetInterface ( Interface_ID  id)

Reimplemented from Value.

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >.

487  {
489  // GetInterface(Interface_ID) was added after the MAX 4
490  // SDK shipped. This did not break the SDK because
491  // it only calls the base class implementation. If you add
492  // any other code here, plugins compiled with the MAX 4 SDK
493  // that derive from MSPluginObject and call Base class
494  // implementations of GetInterface(Interface_ID), will not call
495  // that code in this routine. This means that the interface
496  // you are adding will not be exposed for these objects,
497  // and could have unexpected results.
498  return TYPE::GetInterface(id);
500  }

◆ NotifyRefChanged()

RefResult NotifyRefChanged ( const Interval changeInt,
RefTargetHandle  hTarget,
PartID partID,
RefMessage  message,
BOOL  propagate 
505  {
506  return ((MSPlugin*)this)->NotifyRefChanged(changeInt, hTarget, partID, message, propagate);
507  }

◆ NumRefs()

◆ GetReference()

◆ SetReference()

◆ RefDeleted()

void RefDeleted ( )
ScripterExport void RefDeleted()

◆ Save()

IOResult Save ( ISave iSave)

Reimplemented from MSPlugin.

514 { return MSPlugin::Save(iSave); }
IOResult Save(ISave *isave)

◆ Load()

IOResult Load ( ILoad iLoad)
515 { return MSPlugin::Load(iLoad); }
IOResult Load(ILoad *iLoad)

◆ RefAdded()

void RefAdded ( RefMakerHandle  rm)
516 { MSPlugin::RefAdded(rm); }
void RefAdded(RefMakerHandle rm)

◆ NotifyTarget()

void NotifyTarget ( int  msg,
RefMakerHandle  rm 
517 { MSPlugin::NotifyTarget(msg, rm); }
void NotifyTarget(int msg, RefMakerHandle rm)

◆ GetObjectName()

◆ BeginEditParams()

◆ EndEditParams()

◆ HitTest()

◆ Display()

◆ GetWorldBoundBox()

◆ GetLocalBoundBox()

◆ Snap()

◆ GetCreateMouseCallBack()

◆ HasUVW()

◆ SetGenUVW()

◆ Eval()

ObjectState Eval ( TimeValue  time)

◆ InitNodeName()

void InitNodeName ( MSTR s)

◆ ObjectValidity()

◆ CanConvertToType()

◆ ConvertToType()

◆ GetCollapseTypes()

◆ GetDeformBBox()

void GetDeformBBox ( TimeValue  t,
Box3 box,
Matrix3 tm,
BOOL  useSel 

Reimplemented in MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, and MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >.

539 { Object::GetDeformBBox(t, box, tm, useSel); }
virtual CoreExport void GetDeformBBox(TimeValue t, Box3 &box, Matrix3 *tm=NULL, BOOL useSel=FALSE)
This method computes the bounding box in the objects local coordinates or the optional space defined ...
MAXClass box

◆ IntersectRay()

Member Data Documentation

◆ ip

IObjParam* ip