C++ API Reference
MShaderInstance Class Reference

An instance of a shader that may be used with Viewport 2.0. More...

#include <MShaderManager.h>

Public Types

enum  ParameterType {
  kInvalid, kBoolean, kInteger, kFloat,
  kFloat2, kFloat3, kFloat4, kFloat4x4Row,
  kFloat4x4Col, kTexture1, kTexture2, kTexture3,
  kTextureCube, kSampler
 Specifies parameter types. More...
enum  FragmentUsage {
  kPixelShader, kNormalShader, kNormalShader2, kVertexShader,
  kGeometryShader, kGlossShader, kGlossShader2, kRotationAngleShader,
  kRotationAngleShader2, kReflectanceShader, kReflectanceShader2, kRoughnessShader,
  kRoughnessShader2, kAnisotropyShader, kAnisotropyShader2, kDisplacementPosShader
 Specifies where a fragment will be connected and used. More...
typedef void(* DrawCallback) (MDrawContext &context, const MRenderItemList &renderItemList, MShaderInstance *shaderInstance)
 Definition for pre/post draw callback functions.

Public Member Functions

DrawCallback preDrawCallback () const
 Access the pre-draw callback function pointer set for the this shader instance. More...
DrawCallback postDrawCallback () const
 Access the post-draw callback function pointer set for the this shader instance. More...
void parameterList (MStringArray &list) const
 Get the names of all parameters that are settable on this shader instance. More...
ParameterType parameterType (const MString &parameterName) const
 Get the type of the named parameter, returns kInvalid if parameter is not found. More...
bool isArrayParameter (const MString &parameterName) const
 Determine whether the named parameter is an array. More...
int getArraySize (const MString &parameterName) const
 Get the size of the array. More...
MString semantic (const MString &parameterName) const
 Return the semantic for a named parameter. More...
bool isVaryingParameter (const MString &parameterName) const
 Determine whether the named parameter is varying or is uniform. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, bool value)
 Set a named, boolean parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, int value)
 Set a named, integer parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, float value)
 Set a named, float parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, const float *value)
 Set a named, float, float2, float3 or float4 parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, const MFloatVector &value)
 Set a named, float, float2, float3 parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, const MMatrix &value)
 Set a named, matrix parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, const MFloatMatrix &value)
 Set a named, matrix parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, MTextureAssignment &textureAssignment)
 Set a texture parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, MRenderTargetAssignment &targetAssignment)
 Set a named, texture parameter on the shader instance to a render target. More...
MStatus setParameter (const MString &parameterName, const MSamplerState &sampler)
 Set a sampler parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setArrayParameter (const MString &parameterName, const bool *values, unsigned int count)
 Set a named, bool array parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setArrayParameter (const MString &parameterName, const int *values, unsigned int count)
 Set a named, integer array parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setArrayParameter (const MString &parameterName, const float *values, unsigned int count)
 Set a named, float array parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus setArrayParameter (const MString &parameterName, const MMatrix *values, unsigned int count)
 Set a named, matrix array parameter on the shader instance. More...
MStatus addInputFragment (const MString &fragmentName, const MString &outputName, const MString &inputName, const MString promotedInputName=MString())
 Connect a fragment that has been registered with the fragment manager to an input on the existing MShaderInstance. More...
MStatus addInputFragmentForMultiParams (const MString &fragmentName, const MString &uniqueName, const MStringArray &outputNames, const MStringArray &inputNames, MUintArray *invalidParameterIndices=nullptr, FragmentUsage fragmentUsage=kPixelShader)
 Connect a named fragment that has been registered with the MFragmentManager to this MShaderInstance. More...
MStatus addOutputFragment (const MString &fragmentName, const MString &inputName)
 Connect a fragment that has been registered with the fragment manager to an output on the existing MShaderInstance. More...
MStatus renameParameter (const MString &oldName, const MString &newName)
 Rename the parameter. More...
MStatus setSemantic (const MString &paramName, const MString &semantic)
 Set the semantic for a fragment based parameter. More...
MStatus setAsVarying (const MString &paramName, bool)
 Set the parameter to be a varying parameter or not for a fragment based parameter. More...
MStatus bind (const MDrawContext &context) const
 Binds the shader instance to the draw context, so that it is the active shader. More...
unsigned int getPassCount (const MDrawContext &context, MStatus *status=NULL) const
 Returns the number of draw passes defined by the shader. More...
MStatus activatePass (const MDrawContext &context, unsigned int pass) const
 Activates the given pass of the shader. More...
MStatus unbind (const MDrawContext &context) const
 Unbinds the shader instance from the draw context. More...
MStatus updateParameters (const MDrawContext &context) const
 Updates the bound shader instance with the current parameter data. More...
bool isTransparent () const
 Return whether the shader will render with transparency. More...
MStatus setIsTransparent (bool value)
 Set whether the shader will render with transparency. More...
MShaderInstanceclone () const
 Clone the shader. More...
MShaderInstancecreateShaderInstanceWithColorManagementFragment (const MString &inputColorSpace)
 Return a new shader instance with Color Management fragment added, which is based on the callee. More...
MStatus requiredVertexBuffers (MVertexBufferDescriptorList &list) const
 Get the vertex buffer descriptors that describe the buffers required by a given shader instance. More...
int annotationAsInt (const MString &parameterName, const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns annotation value for a given parameter as integer. More...
float annotationAsFloat (const MString &parameterName, const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns annotation value for a given parameter as float. More...
MString annotationAsString (const MString &parameterName, const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns annotation value for a given parameter as MString. More...
MString parameterSemantic (const MString &parameterName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the semantic associated to a given parameter. More...
void * parameterDefaultValue (const MString &parameterName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the default value of a given parameter. More...
MString resourceName (const MString &parameterName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the resource name of a given texture parameter. More...
MString uiWidget (const MString &parameterName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the UI widget type associated with a given parameter. More...
MString uiName (const MString &parameterName, MStatus &uiName)
 Returns the UI name associated with a given parameter. More...
MStatus techniqueNames (MStringArray &techniqueNames) const
 Returns a list of the technique names for the effect. More...
int techniqueAnnotationAsInt (const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the value of the current technique annotation as integer. More...
float techniqueAnnotationAsFloat (const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the value of the current technique annotation as float. More...
MString techniqueAnnotationAsString (const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the value of the current technique annotation as MString. More...
int passAnnotationAsInt (unsigned int pass, const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the value of the current technique's pass annotation as int. More...
float passAnnotationAsFloat (unsigned int pass, const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the value of the current technique's pass annotation as float. More...
MString passAnnotationAsString (unsigned int pass, const MString &annotationName, MStatus &status)
 Returns the value of the current technique's pass annotation as MString. More...
MStatus writeEffectSourceToFile (const MString &filePath) const
 Write the source of the final OGSFX/HLSL/CgFX effect to a specified file. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * className ()
 Returns the name of this class. More...

Detailed Description

An instance of a shader that may be used with Viewport 2.0.

This class represents a shader that may be used with the MRenderItem class for rendering in Viewport 2.0.

apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.cpp, apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.h, apiMeshShape/apiMeshSubSceneOverride.h, blindDataShader/blindDataShaderOverride.cpp, blindDataShader/blindDataShaderOverride.h, customSpriteShader/customSpriteShader.cpp, customTextureShader/customTextureShaderOverride.cpp, customTextureShader/customTextureShaderOverride.h, fileTexture/fileTexture.cpp, footPrintNode_AnimatedMaterial/footPrintNode_GeometryOverride_AnimatedMaterial.cpp, footPrintNode_GeometryOverride/footPrintNode_GeometryOverride.cpp, footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride/footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride.cpp, geometryOverrideExample1/geometryOverrideExample1.cpp, geometryOverrideExample2/geometryOverrideExample2.cpp, geometryReplicator/geometryReplicator.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.h, glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.h, gpuCache/gpuCacheSubSceneOverride.cpp, hwPhongShader/hwPhongShader.cpp, phongShader/phongShaderOverride.cpp, phongShader/phongShaderOverride.h, rawfootPrintNode/rawfootPrintNode.cpp, simpleNoiseShader/simpleNoiseShaderOverride.cpp, simpleNoiseShader/simpleNoiseShaderOverride.h, swissArmyManip/swissArmyManip.cpp, tessellatedQuad/TessellatedQuadGeomOverride.cpp, viewImageBlitOverride/viewImageBlitOverride.cpp, viewImageBlitOverride/viewImageBlitOverride.h, viewMRenderOverride/viewMRenderOverride.cpp, viewOverrideTrackTexture/viewOverrideTrackTexture.cpp, viewOverrideTrackTexture/viewOverrideTrackTexture.h, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverride.h, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp, viewRenderOverrideFrameCache/viewRenderOverrideFrameCache.cpp, viewRenderOverrideFrameCache/viewRenderOverrideFrameCache.h, viewRenderOverrideMRT/viewRenderOverrideMRT.cpp, viewRenderOverrideMRT/viewRenderOverrideMRT.h, viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows/viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows.cpp, viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows/viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows.h, viewRenderOverridePostColor/viewRenderOverridePostColor.cpp, viewRenderOverridePostColor/viewRenderOverridePostColor.h, viewRenderOverrideShadows/viewRenderOverrideShadows.cpp, viewRenderOverrideShadows/viewRenderOverrideShadows.h, viewRenderOverrideTargets/viewRenderOverrideTargets.cpp, viewRenderOverrideTargets/viewRenderOverrideTargets.h, and vp2BlinnShader/vp2BlinnShader.cpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Specifies parameter types.


Invalid element type (default value)




Signed 32-bit integer.


IEEE single precision floating point.


IEEE single precision floating point (x2)


IEEE single precision floating point (x3)


IEEE single precision floating point (x4)


IEEE single precision floating point row-major matrix (4x4)


IEEE single precision floating point column-major matrix (4x4)


1D texture


2D texture


3D texture


Cube texture.



Specifies where a fragment will be connected and used.


The fragment will be connected and used in pixel shader (default value)


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.

Member Function Documentation

MShaderInstance::DrawCallback preDrawCallback ( ) const

Access the pre-draw callback function pointer set for the this shader instance.

The pre-draw callback function pointer or NULL if not set
MShaderInstance::DrawCallback postDrawCallback ( ) const

Access the post-draw callback function pointer set for the this shader instance.

The post-draw callback function pointer or NULL if not set
void parameterList ( MStringArray list) const

Get the names of all parameters that are settable on this shader instance.

[out]listThe list to populate parameter names
apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.cpp, hwPhongShader/hwPhongShader.cpp, and viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp.
MShaderInstance::ParameterType parameterType ( const MString parameterName) const

Get the type of the named parameter, returns kInvalid if parameter is not found.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to query
The type of the named parameter
apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.cpp, and hwPhongShader/hwPhongShader.cpp.
bool isArrayParameter ( const MString parameterName) const

Determine whether the named parameter is an array.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to query
True if the named parameter is an array
apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.cpp, and hwPhongShader/hwPhongShader.cpp.
int getArraySize ( const MString parameterName) const

Get the size of the array.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to query, if the named parameter is an array
the size of the array or -1 if not an array
MString semantic ( const MString parameterName) const

Return the semantic for a named parameter.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to query
Semantic string. String will be empty if there is no semantic.
bool isVaryingParameter ( const MString parameterName) const

Determine whether the named parameter is varying or is uniform.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to query
True if the named parameter varies per-vertex
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
bool  value 

Set a named, boolean parameter on the shader instance.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a boolean parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.cpp, apiMeshShape/apiMeshSubSceneOverride.cpp, fileTexture/fileTexture.cpp, footPrintNode_AnimatedMaterial/footPrintNode_GeometryOverride_AnimatedMaterial.cpp, footPrintNode_GeometryOverride/footPrintNode_GeometryOverride.cpp, footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride/footPrintNode_SubSceneOverride.cpp, geometryOverrideExample1/geometryOverrideExample1.cpp, geometryOverrideExample2/geometryOverrideExample2.cpp, geometryReplicator/geometryReplicator.cpp, gpuCache/gpuCacheSubSceneOverride.cpp, hwPhongShader/hwPhongShader.cpp, phongShader/phongShaderOverride.cpp, rawfootPrintNode/rawfootPrintNode.cpp, simpleNoiseShader/simpleNoiseShaderOverride.cpp, tessellatedQuad/TessellatedQuadGeomOverride.cpp, viewMRenderOverride/viewMRenderOverride.cpp, viewRenderOverride/viewRenderOverrideOperations.cpp, viewRenderOverrideFrameCache/viewRenderOverrideFrameCache.cpp, viewRenderOverrideMRT/viewRenderOverrideMRT.cpp, viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows/viewRenderOverridePointLightShadows.cpp, viewRenderOverrideShadows/viewRenderOverrideShadows.cpp, viewRenderOverrideTargets/viewRenderOverrideTargets.cpp, and vp2BlinnShader/vp2BlinnShader.cpp.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
int  value 

Set a named, integer parameter on the shader instance.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not an integer parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
float  value 

Set a named, float parameter on the shader instance.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a float parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const float *  value 

Set a named, float, float2, float3 or float4 parameter on the shader instance.

The floating point data stored in "value" will be interpreted based on the type of the named parameter. For example, for a parameter of type kFloat3, the data will be assumed to be an array containing three floats.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a float parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const MFloatVector value 

Set a named, float, float2, float3 parameter on the shader instance.

The floating point data stored in "value" will be interpreted based on the type of the named parameter. For example, for a parameter of type kFloat3, the first 3 elements of the data will be set.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a float parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const MMatrix value 

Set a named, matrix parameter on the shader instance.

Note that this method does not alter the matrix and it is up to the caller to set the values correctly depending on whether the parameter is row-major or column-major.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a matrix parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const MFloatMatrix value 

Set a named, matrix parameter on the shader instance.

Note that this method does not alter the matrix and it is up to the caller to set the values correctly depending on whether the parameter is row-major or column-major.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valueValue of the parameter
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a matrix parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
MTextureAssignment textureAssignment 

Set a texture parameter on the shader instance.

If the texture assignment contains a NULL value for texture then the shader parameter will be set to NULL.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]textureAssignmentTexture to assign
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a texture parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
MRenderTargetAssignment targetAssignment 

Set a named, texture parameter on the shader instance to a render target.

If the render target assignment contains a NULL value then the shader parameter will be set to NULL.

Note, there is a significant performance penalty when binding MSAA targets (i.e. targets where multiSampleCount > 1).

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]targetAssignmentRender target to assign
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a texture parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const MSamplerState sampler 

Set a sampler parameter on the shader instance.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]samplerSampler state to assign
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a sampler parameter.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setArrayParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const bool *  values,
unsigned int  count 

Set a named, bool array parameter on the shader instance.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valuesThe array of values to set
[in]countThe number of values in the array
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a bool array parameter or count is out of bounds.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setArrayParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const int *  values,
unsigned int  count 

Set a named, integer array parameter on the shader instance.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valuesThe array of values to set
[in]countThe number of values in the array
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not an integer array parameter or count is out of bounds.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setArrayParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const float *  values,
unsigned int  count 

Set a named, float array parameter on the shader instance.

This method is used for setting not just float arrays but float2, float3 and float4 array parameters as well. The floating point data stored in "values" will be interpreted based on the type of the named parameter. For example, for a parameter of type kFloat3, the data will be assumed to be a list of float-triples containing a total of "count" float-triples. So if "count" in this example is 5, that means the total number of raw floats is 3*5=15.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valuesThe array of values to set
[in]countThe number of floats stored in the array divided by the dimension of the data
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a float array parameter or count is out of bounds.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus setArrayParameter ( const MString parameterName,
const MMatrix values,
unsigned int  count 

Set a named, matrix array parameter on the shader instance.

Note that this method does not alter the matrices and it is up to the caller to set the values correctly depending on whether the parameter is row-major or column-major.

[in]parameterNameName of the parameter to set
[in]valuesThe array of values to set
[in]countThe number of values in the array
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter was set.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The named parameter is not a matrix array parameter or count is out of bounds.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The named parameter is not a parameter of the shader instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being set.
MStatus addInputFragment ( const MString fragmentName,
const MString outputName,
const MString inputName,
const MString  promotedInputName = MString() 

Connect a fragment that has been registered with the fragment manager to an input on the existing MShaderInstance.

Use this method to add shader instructions to an existing MShaderInstance. The code defined in the fragment will be compiled and executed on the GPU to compute the value for the input parameter.

[in]fragmentNameThe name of a fragment that has been registered with the MFragmentManager.
[in]outputNameThe name of the output on the registered fragment to connect to.
[in]inputNameThe name of the input parameter on the MShaderInstance to connect to.
[in]promotedInputNameThe name of the input parameter on the new fragment that will be promoted to replace the input parameter being connected to. If this argument is not specified, and an input with the same name as inputName exist on the input fragment it will automatically be promoted.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The input was added correctly.
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance was not compatible with an input fragment. For instance it uses a file based effect which cannot be modified.
  • MS::kNotFound The fragment was not registered with the fragment manager.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The input or output name does not exist to connect to or their types do not match.
MStatus addInputFragmentForMultiParams ( const MString fragmentName,
const MString uniqueName,
const MStringArray outputNames,
const MStringArray inputNames,
MUintArray invalidParameterIndices = nullptr,
FragmentUsage  fragmentUsage = kPixelShader 

Connect a named fragment that has been registered with the MFragmentManager to this MShaderInstance.

The code defined in the fragment will be included in the new shader and executed on GPU to compute values for input parameters specified by inputNames.

To connect with fragments, this MShaderInstance needs to be created from a shader fragment or fragment graph as well. Thus, a shader instance created from a file-based effect cannot connect with any fragments.

After the fragment is connected, all input parameters with the same name in the new fragment graph are mapped to a single parameter in the shader by default. If uniqueness is required for input parameters on the fragment, uniqueName can be used to prefix names of the input parameters.

This method is particularly useful when plugin needs to make multiple connections from the input fragment to this MShaderInstance. It can be used to make a single connection, but addInputFragment() is more convenient in this case. The numbers of the output and input parameters must match. An output and an input parameter with the same index in the two string arrays will be connected. To specify fan-out connections, the same output name can be repeated in outputNames as need. Fan-in connections are not allowed.

If the numbers of the output and input parameters don't match, or a parameter (either output or input) doesn't exist, or their types don't match, the relevant parameters will not be connected and the method will return MStatus::kInvalidParameter. In this case, the fragment may still be connected partially to this MShaderInstance through other connectable parameter pairs, and plugin can use invalidParameterIndices to query indices of those invalid parameters in outputNames and inputNames.

[in]fragmentNameName of the input fragment.
[in]uniqueNameA unique name to prefix names of input parameters on the input fragment.
[in]outputNamesNames of the output parameters on the input fragment to connect from.
[in]inputNamesNames of the input parameters on the MShaderInstance to connect to.
[out]invalidParameterIndicesOptional array to query indices of invalid parameters.
[in]fragmentUsageNot implemented.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The fragment was connected correctly.
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance was not compatible with an input fragment. For instance it uses a file-based effect which cannot be modified.
  • MS::kNotFound The fragment was not registered with MFragmentManager.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The fragment was connected partially due to invalid parameters.
MStatus addOutputFragment ( const MString fragmentName,
const MString inputName 

Connect a fragment that has been registered with the fragment manager to an output on the existing MShaderInstance.

The code defined in the fragment will be compiled and executed on the GPU to modify the value returned by the original shader. For example, use this method to add additional alpha or conditionals to the output color.

[in]fragmentNameThe name of a fragment that has been registered with the MFragmentManager.
[in]inputNameThe name of the input parameter on the fragment to connect the shaders output to.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The output was added correctly.
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance was not compatible with an output fragment. For instance it uses a file based effect which cannot be modified.
  • MS::kNotFound The fragment was not registered with the fragment manager.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The input name does not exist to connect to.
MStatus renameParameter ( const MString oldName,
const MString newName 

Rename the parameter.

Note this only works for fragment based shader instances.

[in]oldNameThe name of a parameter.
[in]newNameThe new name to give the parameter.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The name was set correctly.
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance was not a fragment based shader instance. Renaming only works on fragment based shaders.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter A parameter by that name does not exist on the shader instance.
MStatus setSemantic ( const MString paramName,
const MString semantic 

Set the semantic for a fragment based parameter.

Note this only works for fragment based shaders.

[in]paramNameThe name of a parameter.
[in]semanticThe semantic to assign to the parameter. Semantics can be used to identify parameters by their use, independent of their names.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The semantic was set correctly.
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance was not a fragment based shader instance. Setting the semantic only works on fragment based shaders.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter A parameter by that name does not exist on the shader instance.
MStatus setAsVarying ( const MString paramName,
bool  isVarying 

Set the parameter to be a varying parameter or not for a fragment based parameter.

Note this only works for fragment based shaders.

[in]paramNameThe name of a parameter.
[in]isVaryingTrue if the parameter should vary per vertex, false if the parameter should be treated as a uniform value.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The argument was set correctly.
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance was not a fragment based shader instance. Setting this option only works on fragment based shaders.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter A parameter by that name does not exist on the shader instance.
MStatus bind ( const MDrawContext context) const

Binds the shader instance to the draw context, so that it is the active shader.

The typical call sequence is

bind() getPassCount() activatePass( 0 ) do drawing activatePass( 1 ) do drawing ... unbind()

Note that it is the plug-in author's responsibility to call unbind() at the appropriate time. Failing to do so may corrupt subsequent drawing.

[in]contextThe current draw context
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The bind operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance or draw context was invalid, or it failed to bind. This can happen on first bind when an OGSFX effect causes GLSL compilation errors.
blindDataShader/blindDataShaderOverride.cpp, customSpriteShader/customSpriteShader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.cpp, and swissArmyManip/swissArmyManip.cpp.
unsigned int getPassCount ( const MDrawContext context,
MStatus status = NULL 
) const

Returns the number of draw passes defined by the shader.

[in]contextThe current draw context
[out]statusStatus code
The pass count
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance or draw context was invalid
customTextureShader/customTextureShaderOverride.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, and glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.cpp.
MStatus activatePass ( const MDrawContext context,
unsigned int  pass 
) const

Activates the given pass of the shader.

Must be called between calls to bind() and unbind().

[in]contextThe current draw context
[in]passThe index of the pass to activate
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance or draw context was invalid
customTextureShader/customTextureShaderOverride.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.cpp, and swissArmyManip/swissArmyManip.cpp.
MStatus unbind ( const MDrawContext context) const

Unbinds the shader instance from the draw context.

[in]contextThe current draw context
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The unbind operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance or draw context was invalid
customSpriteShader/customSpriteShader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShader.cpp, glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.cpp, and swissArmyManip/swissArmyManip.cpp.
MStatus updateParameters ( const MDrawContext context) const

Updates the bound shader instance with the current parameter data.

This is useful in cases where the same shader instance is reusable but with different input parameters.

Must be called between calls to bind() and unbind().

Calling this method will invalidate any currently active pass. Must invoke activatePass() after calling this method.

[in]contextThe current draw context
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The update operation succeeded
  • MS::kFailure The shader instance or draw context was invalid
glslShader/GLSLShaderOverride.cpp, and swissArmyManip/swissArmyManip.cpp.
bool isTransparent ( ) const

Return whether the shader will render with transparency.

true if shader will render with transparency
MStatus setIsTransparent ( bool  value)

Set whether the shader will render with transparency.

[in]valueValue to set
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The value was set.
  • MS::kFailure The value could not be set.
apiMeshShape/apiMeshGeometryOverride.cpp, and gpuCache/gpuCacheSubSceneOverride.cpp.
MShaderInstance * clone ( ) const

Clone the shader.

This will return a new MShaderInstance object which is identical to the existing shader. The new shader is completely independent of the original. Setting parameter values on either shader after calling clone will have no effect on the other.

Using clone can improve performance when many copies of the same shader are needed. When requesting MShaderInstance objects from MShaderManager the shader is recompiled for each request. The clone() method does not cause a recompilation.

A clone of this shader or NULL on failure
MShaderInstance * createShaderInstanceWithColorManagementFragment ( const MString inputColorSpace)

Return a new shader instance with Color Management fragment added, which is based on the callee.

The callee shader instance is the one used for rendering a render item with image(a MPxNode with image, etc.) The new shader is completely independent of the original shader. Setting parameter values on either shader after calling this function will have no effect on the other. The function won't keep a copy of input parameter.

When the returned new shader instance is no longer needed, MShaderManager::releaseShader() should be called to notify the shader manager that the caller is done with the shader.

[in]inputColorSpaceThe color space the current image is in
A new shader instance or NULL on failure
MStatus requiredVertexBuffers ( MVertexBufferDescriptorList list) const

Get the vertex buffer descriptors that describe the buffers required by a given shader instance.

The descriptor elements will be appended to the passed list. It is the responsibility of the caller to clear the list if desired before calling this method using the MVertexBufferDescriptorList::clear() method.

[out]listList of vertex buffer descriptors
MStatus::kSuccess if successful
const char * className ( )

Returns the name of this class.

Name of this class.
int annotationAsInt ( const MString parameterName,
const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns annotation value for a given parameter as integer.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]annotationNameThe name of the annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The annotation value as integer.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The annotation value was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance or annotation is not defined for this parameter.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not an integer, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kNotFound An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
float annotationAsFloat ( const MString parameterName,
const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns annotation value for a given parameter as float.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]annotationNameThe name of the annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The annotation value as float.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The annotation value was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance or annotation is not defined for this parameter.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not a float, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kNotFound An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MString annotationAsString ( const MString parameterName,
const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns annotation value for a given parameter as MString.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]annotationNameThe name of the annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The annotation value as MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The annotation value was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance or annotation is not defined for this parameter.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not a string, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kNotFound An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MString parameterSemantic ( const MString parameterName,
MStatus status 

Returns the semantic associated to a given parameter.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The semantic name as a MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The semantic was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
void * parameterDefaultValue ( const MString parameterName,
MStatus status 

Returns the default value of a given parameter.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
A void pointer to the default value.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The default value was found.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MString resourceName ( const MString parameterName,
MStatus status 

Returns the resource name of a given texture parameter.

The resource name of a texture parameter can be specified in the effect file using the "ResourceName" annotation. It allows users to define a default texture using an external file. If no resource was defined for a texture, this function returns an empty string.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the texture parameter.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The resource name as MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The resource name was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MString uiWidget ( const MString parameterName,
MStatus status 

Returns the UI widget type associated with a given parameter.

The UI widget type can be specified in shader using the "UIWidget" annotation.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The name of the UI widget type as MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The uiWidget type was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MString uiName ( const MString parameterName,
MStatus status 

Returns the UI name associated with a given parameter.

The UI name can be specified in shader using the "UIName" annotation.

[in]parameterNameThe name of the parameter.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The name of the UI name as MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The parameter UI name was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kUnknownParameter The parameter is not a parameter of the instance.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MStatus techniqueNames ( MStringArray techniqueNames) const

Returns a list of the technique names for the effect.

[out]techniqueNamesReturns the list of technique names for the effect.
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The techniques list was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the list of techniques from being retrieved.
int techniqueAnnotationAsInt ( const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns the value of the current technique annotation as integer.

[in]annotationNameThe name of the technique annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The technique annotation value as integer.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The technique annotation was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kNotFound The technique annotation was not found.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not an integer, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the annotation from being found.
float techniqueAnnotationAsFloat ( const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns the value of the current technique annotation as float.

[in]annotationNameThe name of the technique annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The technique annotation value as float.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The technique annotation was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kNotFound The technique annotation was not found.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not a float, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the annotation from being found.
MString techniqueAnnotationAsString ( const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns the value of the current technique annotation as MString.

[in]annotationNameThe name of the technique annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The technique annotation value as MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The technique annotation was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kNotFound The technique annotation was not found.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not a string, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the annotation from being found.
int passAnnotationAsInt ( unsigned int  pass,
const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns the value of the current technique's pass annotation as int.

[in]passThe index of the pass.
[in]annotationNameThe name of the pass annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The pass annotation value as int.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The pass annotation was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kNotFound The pass annotation was not found.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not an integer, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
float passAnnotationAsFloat ( unsigned int  pass,
const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns the value of the current technique's pass annotation as float.

[in]passThe index of the pass.
[in]annotationNameThe name of the pass annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The pass annotation value as float.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The pass annotation was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kNotFound The pass annotation was not found.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not a float, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MString passAnnotationAsString ( unsigned int  pass,
const MString annotationName,
MStatus status 

Returns the value of the current technique's pass annotation as MString.

[in]passThe index of the pass.
[in]annotationNameThe name of the pass annotation.
[in]statusReference to a status object to output operation status.
The pass annotation value as MString.
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The pass annotation was found and returned correctly.
  • MS::kNotFound The pass annotation was not found.
  • MS::kInvalidParameter The annotation value is not a string, the returned value may still be valid.
  • MS::kFailure An internal error prevented the parameter from being found.
MStatus writeEffectSourceToFile ( const MString filePath) const

Write the source of the final OGSFX/HLSL/CgFX effect to a specified file.

Use this for debugging to see how fragments are turned into the final effect for the current drawing API.

Note that the effect will not be written if the effect is not generated from shader fragments or any of the shader fragments is marked as hidden.

[in]filePathPath of the file to write the effect source
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess The effect was written successfully.
  • MS::kFailure The effect could not be written.

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