C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2019 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
// provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise
// accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
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#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MPlugArray.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MColor.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MDistance.h>
#include <maya/MFnUnitAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxLocatorNode.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MDagMessage.h>
#include <maya/MEvaluationManager.h>
#include <maya/MEvaluationNode.h>
// Viewport 2.0 includes
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MPxGeometryOverride.h>
#include <maya/MShaderManager.h>
#include <maya/MHWGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MHWGeometryUtilities.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <atomic>
TOPICS: Customized Rendering ; Viewport Caching (VP2 Custom Caching)
This plug-in demonstrates how to :
1. Draw a simple mesh like foot print in an efficient way.
2. Support Evaluation & Viewport Cache for nodes with customized rendering.
For comparison, you can also reference a Maya Developer Kit sample named footPrintNode.
In that sample, we draw the footPrint using the MUIDrawManager primitives in footPrintDrawOverride::addUIDrawables()
For comparison, you can also reference another Maya Developer Kit sample named rawfootPrintNode.
In that sample, we draw the footPrint with OpenGL\DX in method rawFootPrintDrawOverride::draw().
This plugin uses different techniques to optimize the performance of the foot print draw
in VP2.
Technique 1:
Forcing the renderer requested attributes to be evaluated and cached by EM.
Aka, define a 'rendering-required-attribute'.
This is usually a must-have for any custom rendering nodes.
Technique 1.1:
Geometry-change tracking with "always-return-true" attribute.
Code structure:
- class FootPrintNode
The DAG node that representing the customize rendering geometry.
Evaluation caching should be fully implemented here.
- class FootPrintGeometryOverride
The customized rendering logic for FootPrintNode.
Viewport caching is handled in here.
loadPlugin footPrintNode_GeometryOverride;
createNode footPrint_GeometryOverride;
// Plugin identifiers
static constexpr unsigned int gPluginNodeId = 0x00080033;
static constexpr const char gPluginNodeName[] = "footPrint_GeometryOverride";
static constexpr const char gPluginDrawDbClassification[] = "drawdb/geometry/footPrint_GeometryOverride";
static constexpr const char gPluginDrawRegistrantId[] = "footPrintNode_GeometryOverridePlugin";
static constexpr const char gPluginSelectionMask[] = "footPrintSelection";
static constexpr const char gPluginNodeMessagePrefix[] = "FootPrintGeometryOverride: ";
// Node implementation with standard viewport draw
// Proxy node for drawing procedure foot print geometry
// This node contains one input attribute : "Size"
// - Changing the "Size" attribute will cause the viewport to regenerate its geometry data (animated vertex buffer)
// The rendering logic is specified in "class FootPrintGeometryOverride"
class FootPrintNode : public MPxLocatorNode // Or MPxSurfaceShape
// Node Attributes :
// Attribute table // 'Alias' I/O Data-Type Function body (in lambda format)
// Controls the size of the footprint geometry
static MObject inputSize; // 'isz' Input Distance
static MObject outputSize; // 'sz' Output Distance : outputSize = [](inputSize) -> {return inputSize;}
// Add your renderer-required-attributes here
// static MObject inputXX;
// static MObject outputXX;
// Utility attribute for viewport
// [[maya::storable(false)]] [[maya::connectable(false)]] [[maya::hidden]]
static MObject geometryChanging; // 'gcg' Output Bool : geometryChanging = [](inputSize) -> {return true;} [*] check notes
// Attribute dependencies:
// inputSize -> outputSize
// inputSize -> geometryChanging
// * inputXX -> outputXX
// * inputXX -> geometryChanging (if XX affect the geometry)
// "Logical" dependencies (Technique 1):
// outputSize, geometryChanging -> [renderer]
// * outputXX -> [renderer]
// Additional note:
// Q : Why is there outputSize ? (Technique 1)
// A : Input attributes, like inputSize cannot be cached by Evaluation Cache
// Check FootPrintNode::setDependentsDirty() for more details about this work-around
// Q : 'outputXX' is not updating in EM mode? (Technique 1)
// A : The virtual connections to [renderer] are not understand by EM.
// Add this connection to FootPrintNode::setDependentsDirty().
// Q : "geometryChanging" always returns 'true' ? (Technique 1.1)
// A : "geometryChanging" is a "dirty flag attribute" tracking if the node needs geometry-update
// If anything affecting it is changed, it will re-evaluate and return 'true'
// This will notify the viewport that the geometry is changing,
// Then, it will be reset to 'false' when geometry is updated (populateGeometry() is called)
// This allows us to track the dirty status without override setDependentsDirty() or postEvaluation()
// * Note, viewport will not reset its value in background evaluation (VP2 caching)
// Check requiresGeometryUpdate(), populateGeometry() for detail
// Override methods for depend node
~FootPrintNode() override;
MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) override;
MStatus setDependentsDirty(const MPlug& plug, MPlugArray& plugArray) override;
MStatus postEvaluation(const MDGContext& context, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, PostEvaluationType evalType) override;
void getCacheSetup(const MEvaluationNode& evalNode, MNodeCacheDisablingInfo& disablingInfo, MNodeCacheSetupInfo& cacheSetupInfo, MObjectArray& monitoredAttributes) const override;
// Do not override postEvaluation() to force evaluating 'rendering-required-attribute'.
// Check Technique 1 for how to do this.
bool isBounded() const override { return true; }
MBoundingBox boundingBox() const override;
MSelectionMask getShapeSelectionMask() const override { return MSelectionMask(gPluginSelectionMask); }
static void * creator() { return new FootPrintNode(); }
static MStatus initialize();
// Data defines the custom shape, which decides the generated geometry's vertex buffer
// This only contains geometry data, material and appearance data should not be contained here
// E.g. Outer Radius R and inner radius r for a torus shape
struct GeometryParameters
double Size;
// Methods for the renderer to call
bool isGeometryChanging() const;
void updateRenderAttributes();
GeometryParameters updatingGeometry();
static const MTypeId id;
static const MString drawDbClassification;
static const MString drawRegistrantId;
static const MString drawDbLightClassification;
MObject FootPrintNode::outputSize = {};
MObject FootPrintNode::inputSize = {};
MObject FootPrintNode::geometryChanging = {};
const MTypeId FootPrintNode::id = gPluginNodeId;
const MString FootPrintNode::drawDbClassification = gPluginDrawDbClassification;
const MString FootPrintNode::drawRegistrantId = gPluginDrawRegistrantId;
FootPrintNode::FootPrintNode() {}
FootPrintNode::~FootPrintNode() {}
MStatus FootPrintNode::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
// Check documentation in "class FootPrintNode" for descriptions about the attributes here
if (plug.partialName() == "sz")
MStatus status;
MDataHandle inputSizeHandle = data.inputValue(inputSize, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) return status;
MDataHandle sizeHandle = data.outputValue(outputSize, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) return status;
else if (plug.partialName() == "gcg")
MStatus status;
MDataHandle boolHandle = data.outputValue(geometryChanging, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) return status;
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
Technique 1: Hack the EM to force evaluate and cache attributes.
To improve performance, Evaluation Manager aggressively skips evaluation of attributes which are not connected to other nodes.
In cases where an external user of DG data (in this case the renderer)
needs to read unconnected values from a node during or after EM evaluation,
we need to take extra steps to ensure the data is evaluated by the EM (and cached).
The most notable rules used by the EM for skipping evaluation are:
1. Output attributes without output-connections are not computed in EM (and are not eligible for caching).
2. Input attributes are never cached in Evaluation Cache.
In FootPrintNode, attributes "outputSize", "geometryChanging" are virtually connected to the renderer.
But EM does not understand these "virtual connection", and skips evaluation and caching for them.
The current workaround are:
1. To bypass rule 2, we made them a passing-through output attributes : inputSize->outputSize
2. To bypass rule 1, repeat the affect relationship in setDependentsDirty(). [*]
[*] Note, this is a trick that relies on some internal hack to EM.
Maya may provide better API for this in future updates.
When proper force evaluation API is come, you won't need to override this method.
MStatus FootPrintNode::setDependentsDirty(const MPlug& plug, MPlugArray& plugArray)
// Repeating the affect relationship we have specified
// This method just mean to trick EM
// No need to do this outside of EM graph construction (for the sake of performance)
if (plug.partialName() == "sz")
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MPlug osPlug(thisNode, outputSize);
MPlug scPlug(thisNode, geometryChanging);
// Try not set any data or attribute value in this method
// Because EM's parallel evaluation will not call this method at all
// A widely used *bad* approach is to write "mGeometryChanged=true" when some attribute changed.
// Use Technique 1.1 to avoid this.
MStatus FootPrintNode::postEvaluation(const MDGContext & context, const MEvaluationNode & evaluationNode, PostEvaluationType evalType)
// For cache restoration only
// This method is responsible for fixing the 'geometryChanging' flag in cache restore frames
// Because in cache store phase,
// PopulateGeometry & Viewport-Caching happens before Evaluation-Cache store
// The value of 'geometryChanging' will always be set to 'false' (it is already used by render)
// Thus, we have to fix the geometryChanging attribute to the correct value
MStatus status;
if (evalType == PostEvaluationEnum::kEvaluatedDirectly && // kEvaluatedDirectly indicates we are restoring from cache
evaluationNode.dirtyPlugExists(geometryChanging,&status) && status)
MDataBlock data = forceCache();
MDataHandle boolHandle = data.outputValue(geometryChanging, &status);
if (status != MStatus::kSuccess) return status;
return MPxLocatorNode::postEvaluation(context, evaluationNode, evalType);
void FootPrintNode::getCacheSetup(const MEvaluationNode& evalNode, MNodeCacheDisablingInfo& disablingInfo, MNodeCacheSetupInfo& cacheSetupInfo, MObjectArray& monitoredAttributes) const
MPxLocatorNode::getCacheSetup(evalNode, disablingInfo, cacheSetupInfo, monitoredAttributes);
MBoundingBox FootPrintNode::boundingBox() const
// Get the outputSize
MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
MPlug plug( thisNode, outputSize );
MDistance sizeVal;
plug.getValue( sizeVal );
double multiplier = sizeVal.asCentimeters();
MPoint corner1( -0.17, 0.0, -0.7 );
MPoint corner2( 0.17, 0.0, 0.3 );
corner1 = corner1 * multiplier;
corner2 = corner2 * multiplier;
return MBoundingBox( corner1, corner2 );
// Must be called after MPxGeometryOverride::updateDG()
// Typically used by MPxGeometryOverride::requiresGeometryUpdate()
bool FootPrintNode::isGeometryChanging() const
MDataBlock block = const_cast<FootPrintNode*>(this)->forceCache();
// Use inputValue() to trigger evaluation here
// Because MPxGeometryOverride::requiresGeometryUpdate() can be called outside of
// MPxGeometryOverride::initialize()/updateDG()
// This evaluation is safe because this attribute cannot be connected
// And thus cannot reach other nodes
return block.inputValue(FootPrintNode::geometryChanging).asBool();
// Workload for MPxGeometryOverride::updateDG()
// Updating all the attributes needed by the renderer
// Ensure these attributes can be accessed by outputValue() safely later
void FootPrintNode::updateRenderAttributes()
MDataBlock datablock = forceCache();
// Should only be called from MPxGeometryOverride::populateGeometry()
// Returns the parameters required to update geometry
// Set "FootPrintNode::geometryChanging" to "false" to avoid duplicate update
// [[ensure : isGeometryChanging() == false]]
FootPrintNode::GeometryParameters FootPrintNode::updatingGeometry()
MDataBlock block = const_cast<FootPrintNode*>(this)->forceCache();
// Reset the geometryChanging attribute to false so that we do not update the geometry multiple times
GeometryParameters param;
param.Size = block.outputValue(FootPrintNode::outputSize).asDistance().asCentimeters();
return param;
using namespace MHWRender;
struct ShaderDeleter {
void operator()(MShaderInstance* shader) {
auto* rednerer = MRenderer::theRenderer();
auto* mgr = rednerer ? rednerer->getShaderManager() : nullptr;
if (mgr)
// A simple store for sharing solid-color-shader with the given color
// This class is not memory-efficient
// One should add recycling mechanism for production usage
class SolidColorShaderStore {
MShaderInstance* get(MColor color);
void clear() { mShaders.clear(); }
static std::uint32_t encode(MColor color);
std::unordered_map<std::uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<MShaderInstance, ShaderDeleter>> mShaders; // Map a R8B8G8A8 color to a shader instance
// Global variables shared by all Footprint nodes
// Do not use C++ class as global variables, because .dll/.so's actual unload time is managed by the OS
// Having a non-trivial DLL exit function called at a bad time may CRASH Maya
// And you should put all the startup / cleanup work in the initializePlugin() / uninitializePlugin() function
// Details:
// Case 1 : User is unloading this plugin without closing Maya
// Everything goes well, uninitializePlugin() is called before the global variable destructor
// We need to ensure all memories and shaders are being released
// uninitializePlugin() will call Globals->clear() to clear everything
// Case 2 : User is closing Maya with this plugin loaded
// In this case, uninitializePlugin() will NOT be called
// And calling MShaderManager::ReleaseShader will CRASH Maya at exit time
// Thus, we just leave whatever memories we allocated as-is
// Since the application is closing anyway
struct GlobalVariables {
// A helper that shares all static solid color shader with same color
SolidColorShaderStore solidColorShaderStore;
// Note, do not use std::unique_ptr<GlobalVariables> here
// Because we don't release memory / shaders at Maya exit
static GlobalVariables* Globals = nullptr;
// Internal constants
// Primitive type constants are OK to be declared globally
static const /*constexpr*/ MString ColorParameterName = "solidColor";
static const /*constexpr*/ MString WireframeItemName = "footPrintLocatorWires";
static const /*constexpr*/ MString ShadedItemName = "footPrintLocatorTriangles";
static const /*constexpr*/ MColor ErrorColor = { 1.0F, 0.0F,0.0F,1.0F };
// Viewport 2 GeometryOverride class declaration
// Customized rendering logic of FootPrintNode
// - This class is responsible for generating the geometry (vertex buffer) from the procedure geometry (defined by FootPrintNode::Size)
// Beside rendering, the functions for generating geometry is also a crucial part in Viewport Caching (in contrast with Evaluation Caching)
class FootPrintGeometryOverride : public MPxGeometryOverride
static MPxGeometryOverride* Creator(const MObject& obj) { return new FootPrintGeometryOverride(obj); }
~FootPrintGeometryOverride() override;
// Support configuration functions :
DrawAPI supportedDrawAPIs() const override { return (DrawAPI::kOpenGL | DrawAPI::kDirectX11 | DrawAPI::kOpenGLCoreProfile); }
bool hasUIDrawables() const override { return false; }
bool supportsEvaluationManagerParallelUpdate() const override { return true; }
// Supporting Viewport Caching (VP2 Custom Caching)
// Viewport Cache for customize rendering nodes is caching the geometry data
// generated by MPxGeometryOverride::populateGeometry()
// Like the graphics API, the geometry data is usually expressed in three different objects:
// - Vertex Buffer : Viewport Cache
// - Index Buffer : No cache, must be time-independent
// - Uniform Buffer : Evaluation Cache
// Currently, *only* Vertex Buffer can be cached in Viewport Cache
// And all the data in Uniform Buffer (shader parameters such as Color), must be stored in Evaluation Cache
// Viewport Caching is helpful if you are generating the geometry data in CPU
// For GPU generated geometry, the benefit is limited
// To make the Viewport caching works properly the following constraints must be meet
// - requiresUpdateRenderItems(path) always return 'false' in background-dg-context.
// - requiresGeometryUpdate() always return 'true' when restored from cache (if geometry is animated).
// - populateGeometry() should be context-safe
// Check these methods for more detail
bool supportsVP2CustomCaching() const override { return true; }
// Interaction with FootPrintNode
// - This is the only method you can call Mplug::getValue() or Mdatablock::inputValue()
// - This method can be empty (in EM modes), if you have setup the node correctly with Technique 1.
void updateDG() override;
// For the best practice, this method should contains no status data
void cleanUp() override {};
// Render item functions, only involves in foreground rendering, should not affect VP2 Caching at all
bool requiresUpdateRenderItems(const MDagPath& path) const override;
void updateRenderItems(const MDagPath &path, MRenderItemList& list) override;
// Geometry update functions, major entry for support VP2 Custom Caching
bool requiresGeometryUpdate() const override;
bool isIndexingDirty(const MRenderItem &item) override { return false; } // Viewport Caching does not support index buffer change (animated topology)
void populateGeometry(const MGeometryRequirements &requirements, const MRenderItemList &renderItems, MGeometry &data) override;
// Debugging functions
bool traceCallSequence() const override;
void handleTraceMessage(const MString &message) const override;
FootPrintGeometryOverride(const MObject& obj);
// Helpers for generating the footprint geometry
void fillFootprintSolidIndices(int numIndex, unsigned int * indices);
void fillFootprintWireframeIndices(int numIndex, unsigned int * indices);
void fillFootPrintVertices(float * vertices, float outputSize);
// To ensure the plugin works well with Viewport and Evaluation Caching
// We recommend to use a state-less MpxGeometryOverride:
// - Store all time-dependent data on the attributes of corresponding Maya node, Instead of a data member in MpxGeometryOverride.
// - updateDG() pulls (evaluates) all the time-dependent data on node by "MDataBlock::inputValue()",
// but *not* store them in a data member of MPxGeometryOverride
// - Always access the time-dependent data by "MDataBlock::outputValue()" in the renderer
// Backgrounds of the recommendation :
// In this plugin example, we have 3 different pipeline stages involved:
// 1. Node Evaluation
// 2. Geometry Update (MPxGeometryOverride invocation)
// 3. Rendering (Shader-pre-draw-callback invocation)
// With (Evaluation or Viewport) Caching, some surprising mixture of stages happen concurrently :
// - Foreground thread : -- MPxGeometryOverride ------>------ Shader Callback --------> (Rendering on frame 10)
// - Background thread : -------- Node Evaluation ----->-- MPxGeometryOverride -------> (Viewport cache fill on frame 20)
// Accessing the same data directly cross stage boundaries can cause incorrect result or even crash maya.
// Thus we must use different storage for each data in each DG context (frame).
// And, a depend node's attribute are always isolated for different context.
// Beside, within the MPxGeometryOverride invocation stage, it is not always safe to access its data member :
// During Viewport Cache Restoration, requiresGeometryUpdate() is the only method get called. (No updateDG() call)
// Thus the data must be stored in the node.
FootPrintNode* mFootPrintNode; // The node we are rendering
// VP2 GeometryOverride implementation
FootPrintGeometryOverride::FootPrintGeometryOverride(const MObject& obj)
, mFootPrintNode(nullptr)
MStatus returnStatus;
MFnDependencyNode dependNode(obj, &returnStatus);
if (returnStatus != MStatus::kSuccess) return;
MPxNode* footPrintNode = dependNode.userNode(&returnStatus);
if (returnStatus != MStatus::kSuccess) footPrintNode = nullptr;
mFootPrintNode = dynamic_cast<FootPrintNode*>(footPrintNode);
void FootPrintGeometryOverride::updateDG()
// Pull (evaluate) all attributes in FootPrintNode node we will be using
// Here is the list of attributes we are pulling :
// - geometryChanging : Needed by requiresGeometryUpdate() To check if we needs to update the vertex and index buffer
// - outputSize : Needed by populateGeometry() To generate the geometry
// It is very important that all the attributes pulled from this method are cached (with Technique 1)
// Otherwise Evaluation Cache will not work
// In fact, this method is not needed by EM Evaluation modes
bool FootPrintGeometryOverride::requiresUpdateRenderItems(const MDagPath & path) const
// Override this function if you need a more complicated animated-material behavior
// For example, you will need to change this to `return true` if object's associated shader
// is changing at every frame. (This could be very expensive)
// Note, this method have to return 'false' in most case, otherwise VP2 caching may not work
// Note 2, for rendering simple animated-material like animated-color or animated-texture-uv
// Check FootPrintGeometryOverrideAnimatedMaterial example
return false;
void FootPrintGeometryOverride::updateRenderItems( const MDagPath& path, MRenderItemList& list )
// This method will only happen for rendering, but not VP2 caching
// And it is usually call when the selection status of the object is changed
// Get an static solid color shader for selection highlight
// Note, by sharing the solid color shader, we allow VP2 to consolidate multiple geometries together during the drawing process
MColor color = MGeometryUtilities::wireframeColor(path);
MShaderInstance* shader = Globals->solidColorShaderStore.get(color);
// Create the wireframe render item
int index = list.indexOf(WireframeItemName);
MRenderItem* wireframeItem = nullptr;
if (index < 0)
wireframeItem = MRenderItem::Create(
} else {
wireframeItem = list.itemAt(index);
if (wireframeItem)
MRenderItem* shadedItem = nullptr;
index = list.indexOf(ShadedItemName);
if (index < 0)
shadedItem = MRenderItem::Create(
shadedItem->setDrawMode((MGeometry::DrawMode)(MGeometry::kShaded | MGeometry::kTextured));
} else{
shadedItem = list.itemAt(index);
// Update the shader based on if it is selected
if (shadedItem)
// Encode a MColor with R8B8G8A8 encoding
std::uint32_t SolidColorShaderStore::encode(MColor color)
constexpr int bitsPerChannel = 8;
constexpr std::uint32_t mask = (1 << bitsPerChannel) - 1;
(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(color.r * mask) << (bitsPerChannel * 0)) |
(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(color.g * mask) << (bitsPerChannel * 1)) |
(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(color.b * mask) << (bitsPerChannel * 2)) |
(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(color.a * mask) << (bitsPerChannel * 3));
// Get or create a solid color shader of the given color
MShaderInstance * SolidColorShaderStore::get(MColor color) {
auto& stored = mShaders[encode(color)];
if (!stored)
MShaderInstance* shader = nullptr;
MRenderer* renderer = MRenderer::theRenderer();
if (renderer)
const MShaderManager* shaderMgr = renderer->getShaderManager();
if (shaderMgr)
shader = shaderMgr->getStockShader(MShaderManager::k3dSolidShader);
shader->setParameter(ColorParameterName, &color.r);
return stored.get();
// Geometry update and VP2 cache implementations
// Return true when 'inputSize' is changed in the FootPrintNode
// Which requires us to re-generate the geometry
// Note, this method must return the exact same value in a cache-restoration frame
// as it was in the corresponding cache-store frame
bool FootPrintGeometryOverride::requiresGeometryUpdate() const
// Checking the "FootPrintNode::geometryChanging" attribute
// If any attribute affecting the geometry is changing, "FootPrintNode::geometryChanging" should be affected and dirtied
// Also check FootPrintNode::updatingGeometry()
// Warning, this method may be called outside of regular { update() : cleanUp() } scope.
// Thus, we must invoke node-local evaluation to ensure the correctness
return mFootPrintNode->isGeometryChanging();
static constexpr int soleCount = 21;
static constexpr int heelCount = 17;
// Generate the geometry(vertex / index) from FootPrintNode's parameter data
// [[ensure : requiresGeometryUpdate() == false]]
void FootPrintGeometryOverride::populateGeometry(
const MGeometryRequirements& requirements,
const MRenderItemList& renderItems,
MGeometry& data)
// This call will ensure the post-condition that requiresGeometryUpdate() is false
FootPrintNode::GeometryParameters footprintParam = mFootPrintNode->updatingGeometry();
// Generating the vertex and index buffer from the parameters
MVertexBuffer* verticesBuffer = nullptr;
float* vertices = nullptr;
const MVertexBufferDescriptorList& vertexBufferDescriptorList = requirements.vertexRequirements();
const int numberOfVertexRequirments = vertexBufferDescriptorList.length();
MVertexBufferDescriptor vertexBufferDescriptor;
for (int requirmentNumber = 0; requirmentNumber < numberOfVertexRequirments; ++requirmentNumber)
if (!vertexBufferDescriptorList.getDescriptor(requirmentNumber, vertexBufferDescriptor))
switch (vertexBufferDescriptor.semantic())
case MGeometry::kPosition:
if (!verticesBuffer)
verticesBuffer = data.createVertexBuffer(vertexBufferDescriptor);
if (verticesBuffer)
vertices = (float*)verticesBuffer->acquire(soleCount+heelCount, false);
// do nothing for stuff we don't understand
fillFootPrintVertices(vertices, footprintParam.Size);
if(verticesBuffer && vertices)
// Now fill the index data
// Index data should not change with size
for (int i=0; i < renderItems.length(); ++i)
const MRenderItem* item = renderItems.itemAt(i);
if (!item)
MIndexBuffer* indexBuffer = data.createIndexBuffer(MGeometry::kUnsignedInt32);
if (item->name() == WireframeItemName )
int numPrimitive = heelCount + soleCount - 2;
int numIndex = numPrimitive * 2;
unsigned int* indices = (unsigned int*)indexBuffer->acquire(numIndex, false);
fillFootprintWireframeIndices(numIndex, indices);
else if (item->name() == ShadedItemName )
int numPrimitive = heelCount + soleCount - 4;
int numIndex = numPrimitive * 3;
unsigned int* indices = (unsigned int*)indexBuffer->acquire(numIndex, false);
fillFootprintSolidIndices(numIndex, indices);
namespace {
// Foot Data
float sole[][3] = { { 0.00f, 0.0f, -0.70f },
{ 0.04f, 0.0f, -0.69f },
{ 0.09f, 0.0f, -0.65f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, -0.61f },
{ 0.16f, 0.0f, -0.54f },
{ 0.17f, 0.0f, -0.46f },
{ 0.17f, 0.0f, -0.35f },
{ 0.16f, 0.0f, -0.25f },
{ 0.15f, 0.0f, -0.14f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, 0.00f },
{ 0.00f, 0.0f, 0.00f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, 0.00f },
{ -0.15f, 0.0f, -0.14f },
{ -0.16f, 0.0f, -0.25f },
{ -0.17f, 0.0f, -0.35f },
{ -0.17f, 0.0f, -0.46f },
{ -0.16f, 0.0f, -0.54f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, -0.61f },
{ -0.09f, 0.0f, -0.65f },
{ -0.04f, 0.0f, -0.69f },
{ -0.00f, 0.0f, -0.70f } };
float heel[][3] = { { 0.00f, 0.0f, 0.06f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, 0.06f },
{ 0.14f, 0.0f, 0.15f },
{ 0.14f, 0.0f, 0.21f },
{ 0.13f, 0.0f, 0.25f },
{ 0.11f, 0.0f, 0.28f },
{ 0.09f, 0.0f, 0.29f },
{ 0.04f, 0.0f, 0.30f },
{ 0.00f, 0.0f, 0.30f },
{ -0.04f, 0.0f, 0.30f },
{ -0.09f, 0.0f, 0.29f },
{ -0.11f, 0.0f, 0.28f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, 0.25f },
{ -0.14f, 0.0f, 0.21f },
{ -0.14f, 0.0f, 0.15f },
{ -0.13f, 0.0f, 0.06f },
{ -0.00f, 0.0f, 0.06f } };
void FootPrintGeometryOverride::fillFootprintSolidIndices(int numIndex, unsigned int * indices)
int primitiveIndex = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; )
if (i < (heelCount - 2) * 3)
startIndex = 0;
primitiveIndex = i / 3;
startIndex = heelCount;
primitiveIndex = i / 3 - heelCount + 2;
indices[i++] = startIndex;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex + 1;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex + 2;
void FootPrintGeometryOverride::fillFootprintWireframeIndices(int numIndex, unsigned int * indices)
int primitiveIndex = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numIndex; )
if (i < (heelCount - 1) * 2)
startIndex = 0;
primitiveIndex = i / 2;
startIndex = heelCount;
primitiveIndex = i / 2 - heelCount + 1;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex;
indices[i++] = startIndex + primitiveIndex + 1;
void FootPrintGeometryOverride::fillFootPrintVertices(float * vertices, float outputSize)
int verticesPointerOffset = 0;
// We concatenate the heel and sole positions into a single vertex buffer.
// The index buffers will decide which positions will be selected for each render items.
for (int currentVertex = 0; currentVertex < soleCount + heelCount; ++currentVertex)
if (vertices)
if (currentVertex < heelCount)
int heelVtx = currentVertex;
vertices[verticesPointerOffset++] = heel[heelVtx][0] * outputSize;
vertices[verticesPointerOffset++] = heel[heelVtx][1] * outputSize;
vertices[verticesPointerOffset++] = heel[heelVtx][2] * outputSize;
int soleVtx = currentVertex - heelCount;
vertices[verticesPointerOffset++] = sole[soleVtx][0] * outputSize;
vertices[verticesPointerOffset++] = sole[soleVtx][1] * outputSize;
vertices[verticesPointerOffset++] = sole[soleVtx][2] * outputSize;
// Debug functions
// Return true if internal tracing is desired.
bool FootPrintGeometryOverride::traceCallSequence() const
Tracing will look something like the following when in shaded mode (on selection change):
FootPrintGeometryOverride: Geometry override DG update: footPrint1
FootPrintGeometryOverride: Start geometry override render item update: |transform1|footPrint1
FootPrintGeometryOverride: - Call API to update render items
FootPrintGeometryOverride: End geometry override render item update: |transform1|footPrint1
FootPrintGeometryOverride: End geometry override clean up: footPrint1
This is based on the existing stream and indexing dirty flags being used
which attempts to minimize the amount of render item, vertex buffer and indexing update.
return false;
inline void FootPrintGeometryOverride::handleTraceMessage(const MString & message) const
MGlobal::displayInfo(gPluginNodeMessagePrefix + message);
// Some simple custom message formatting.
fputs(gPluginNodeMessagePrefix, stderr);
fputs(message.asChar(), stderr);
fputs("\n", stderr);
// Plugin Registration
MStatus FootPrintNode::initialize()
// Setup the FootPrintNode's attributes
// Check the documentation in "class FootPrintNode" for detail
MStatus stat;
outputSize = unitFn.create("outputSize", "osz", MFnUnitAttribute::kDistance);
stat = addAttribute(outputSize);
if (!stat) {
return stat;
inputSize = unitFn.create("size", "sz", MFnUnitAttribute::kDistance);
stat = addAttribute(inputSize);
if (!stat) {
return stat;
geometryChanging = attrFn.create("geometryChanging", "gcg", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, true);
stat = addAttribute(geometryChanging);
if (!stat) {
return stat;
attributeAffects(inputSize, outputSize);
attributeAffects(inputSize, geometryChanging);
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
// Initialize the global variables
Globals = new GlobalVariables();
status = plugin.registerNode(
if (!status) {
return status;
status = MDrawRegistry::registerGeometryOverrideCreator(
if (!status) {
return status;
// Register a custom selection mask with priority 2 (same as locators
// by default).
MSelectionMask::registerSelectionType(gPluginSelectionMask, 2);
char cmd[256];
snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "selectType -byName \"%s\" 1", gPluginSelectionMask);
status = MGlobal::executeCommand(cmd);
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
delete Globals;
// Do not check the return code and return here
// Plugin uninitialization should never fail
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
// There is nothing we can do if any of the deregister process failed