C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2019 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
// This plug-in demonstrates how to implement a simple simulation system with full support for Cached Playback.
// - Using MPxNode::getCacheSetup() to trigger the 'Dynamics Cache Layer' behavior
// - Using MPxNode::configCache() to setup attributes to cache
// - Using MPxNode::transformInvalidationRange() to setup the correct invalidation range for dynamics system
// - The correct way to readback cached dynamics status and support 'Simulation resumption from arbitrary time'
// To run this example, execute the MEL code below.
file -new -force;
loadPlugin simplePhysicsEngine;
createNode physicsEngine -name "solver";
polySphere -r 1 -name "sphere" -constructionHistory 1;
connectAttr solver.position sphere.translate;
// Create a plane for collision, and start to tilt it
polyPlane -w 50 -h 50 -sx 1 -sy 1 -name "ground";
setKeyframe -v 0 -t 1 "ground.rz";
setKeyframe -v -20 -t 120 "ground.rz";
// Convert the transform of this plane into the Ax+By+Cz+D=0 form that solver node accepts
createNode -parent "ground" -name "o" locator;
createNode -parent "ground" -name "y" locator;
setAttr "y.localPositionY" 1;
setAttr "o.visibility" 0;
setAttr "y.visibility" 0;
// ground.normal = (0,1,0,0) * matrix
createNode plusMinusAverage -n "normal";
setAttr "normal.operation" 2; // subtract
connectAttr y.worldPosition[0] normal.input3D[0];
connectAttr o.worldPosition[0] normal.input3D[1];
connectAttr -force normal.output3Dx solver.collisionPlane0;
connectAttr -force normal.output3Dy solver.collisionPlane1;
connectAttr -force normal.output3Dz solver.collisionPlane2;
// ground.offset = -dot((0,0,0,1) * matrix, ground.normal) - sphere.radius
createNode multiplyDivide -n "offset_mul";
setAttr "normal.operation" 1; // multiply
connectAttr o.worldPosition[0] offset_mul.input1;
connectAttr normal.output3D offset_mul.input2;
createNode plusMinusAverage -n "offset";
setAttr "offset.operation" 2; // subtract
setAttr "offset.input1D[0]" 0;
connectAttr offset_mul.outputX offset.input1D[1];
connectAttr offset_mul.outputY offset.input1D[2];
connectAttr offset_mul.outputZ offset.input1D[3];
connectAttr polySphere1.r offset.input1D[4];
connectAttr offset.output1D solver.collisionPlane3;
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <thread>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnUnitAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnCompoundAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MNodeCacheDisablingInfoHelper.h>
#include <maya/MDGMessage.h>
#include <maya/MItDependencyNodes.h>
#include <maya/MFn.h>
#include <maya/MDGModifier.h>
// Helpers for vector math
namespace {
struct MDouble3 { double x, y, z; };
struct MDouble4 { double x, y, z, w; };
MDouble3 operator+ (MDouble3 lhs, MDouble3 rhs) noexcept { return { lhs.x + rhs.x, lhs.y + rhs.y, lhs.z + rhs.z }; }
MDouble3 operator- (MDouble3 lhs, MDouble3 rhs) noexcept { return { lhs.x - rhs.x, lhs.y - rhs.y, lhs.z - rhs.z }; }
MDouble3 operator* (MDouble3 lhs, MDouble3 rhs) noexcept { return { lhs.x * rhs.x, lhs.y * rhs.y, lhs.z * rhs.z }; }
MDouble3 operator* (MDouble3 lhs, double rhs) noexcept { return { lhs.x * rhs, lhs.y * rhs, lhs.z * rhs }; }
MDouble3 operator/ (MDouble3 lhs, MDouble3 rhs) noexcept { return { lhs.x / rhs.x, lhs.y / rhs.y, lhs.z / rhs.z }; }
MDouble3 operator/ (MDouble3 lhs, double rhs) noexcept { return { lhs.x / rhs, lhs.y / rhs, lhs.z / rhs }; }
MDouble4 to4(MDouble3 v, double w) { return { v.x,v.y,v.z,w }; }
MDouble3 xyz(MDouble4 v) { return { v.x,v.y,v.z }; }
double dot(MDouble4 lhs, MDouble4 rhs) noexcept { return lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y + lhs.z * rhs.z + lhs.w * rhs.w; }
double dot(MDouble3 lhs, MDouble3 rhs) noexcept { return lhs.x * rhs.x + lhs.y * rhs.y + lhs.z * rhs.z; }
MDouble3 normalized(MDouble3 v) { return v / sqrt(dot(v,v)); }
MDouble3 point_on_plane(MDouble4 p) {
if (p.x != .0) {
return { -p.w / p.x, .0, .0 };
} else if (p.y != .0) {
return { .0, -p.w / p.y, .0 };
} else if (p.z != .0) {
return { .0, .0, -p.w / p.z };
return { .0,.0,.0 };
// helpers for Maya attributes access
template <typename T>
struct MAttributeOf : MObject {
using type = T;
template <typename U>
MAttributeOf& operator=(U&& arg) { MObject::operator=(std::forward<U>(arg)); return *this; }
namespace detail {
struct error_type {}; // Placeholder type to detect usage of as<T> with not specialization
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) as(const MDataHandle& handle) { return error_type{}; }
template <> decltype(auto) as<bool>(const MDataHandle& handle) { return handle.asBool(); }
template <> decltype(auto) as<double>(const MDataHandle& handle) { return handle.asDouble(); }
template <> decltype(auto) as<MTime>(const MDataHandle& handle) { return handle.asTime(); }
template <>
decltype(auto) as<MDouble3>(const MDataHandle& handle) {
return reinterpret_cast<MDouble3&>(handle.asDouble3());
template <>
decltype(auto) as<MDouble4>(const MDataHandle& handle) {
return reinterpret_cast<MDouble4&>(handle.asDouble4());
// Add more specializations for all the asXXX methods
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) get_input(MDataBlock& data, const MAttributeOf<T>& attr) {
MStatus status;
MDataHandle handle = data.inputValue(static_cast<const MObject&>(attr), &status);
assert(status == MStatus::kSuccess);
return ::detail::as<T>(handle);
template <typename T>
decltype(auto) get_as_is(MDataBlock& data, const MAttributeOf<T>& attr) {
MStatus status;
MDataHandle handle = data.outputValue(static_cast<const MObject&>(attr), &status);
assert(status == MStatus::kSuccess);
return ::detail::as<T>(handle);
template <typename T>
void set(MDataBlock& data, const MAttributeOf<T>& attr, const T& value) {
MStatus status;
MDataHandle handle = data.outputValue(static_cast<const MObject&>(attr), &status);
assert(status == MStatus::kSuccess);
::detail::as<T>(handle) = value; // MDataHandle.set(...) cannot handle 4 double...
// Helpers for physics simulation
namespace physics {
struct ObjectStatus {
MTime Time;
MDouble3 Position;
MDouble3 Velocity;
ObjectStatus apply_velocity(const ObjectStatus& prev, MTime dt, MDouble3 acceleration) {
double dts = dt.as(MTime::kSeconds);
ObjectStatus now;
now.Time = prev.Time + dt;
now.Velocity = prev.Velocity + acceleration * dts;
now.Position = prev.Position + (now.Velocity + prev.Velocity) * (0.5 * dts);
return now;
ObjectStatus resolve_collision(ObjectStatus particle, MDouble4 ground, double elasticity) {
assert(elasticity >= 0);
MDouble4 p = to4(particle.Position, 1.0);
double v = dot(p, ground);
if (v > .0) {
// no collision
} else {
// The the object have collide with the ground plane
MDouble3 gp = point_on_plane(ground); // A point on the ground
MDouble3 n = normalized(xyz(ground)); // Normal of the ground plane
MDouble3 dp = particle.Position - gp;
// Reflect the position and velocity with the ground plain
dp = n * (dot(dp, n) * (1 + elasticity));
particle.Position = particle.Position - dp;
dp = n * (dot(particle.Velocity, n) * (1 + elasticity));
particle.Velocity = particle.Velocity - dp;
return particle;
class physicsEngine final : public MPxNode
MStatus compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data) override;
void configCache(const MEvaluationNode&, MCacheSchema&) const override;
MTimeRange transformInvalidationRange(const MPlug& source, const MTimeRange& input) const override;
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
// Attributes
static MAttributeOf<bool> aSimulationEnabled; // [in] When disabled, the current status is frozen as is
static MAttributeOf<MTime> aInputTime; // [in] Always connected to the global time node
// Simulation status, aCurrentStatus(t) is a function of aCurrentStatus(t-1)
// This attribute must capture all the data of the 'previous status' a solver can reply on
// In order to support 'simulation resumption', this attribute must be cached
static MObject aCurrentStatus;
static MAttributeOf<MTime> aCurrentTime; // [out] The time where the current status is computed
static MAttributeOf<MDouble3> aCurrentPosition; // [out]
static MAttributeOf<MDouble3> aCurrentVelocity; // [out]
// Initial status
static MObject aInitialStatus;
static MAttributeOf<MTime> aInitialTime; // [in]
static MAttributeOf<MDouble3> aInitialPosition; // [in]
static MAttributeOf<MDouble3> aInitialVelocity; // [in]
// Other simulation parameters, can be evaluated at any time
static MAttributeOf<double> aMass; // [in] The mass of this object to decide acceleration
static MAttributeOf<MDouble3> aForce; // [in] External force applied to this object
/*static MAttributeOf<std::function<MDouble3(MDouble3 position, MDouble3 velocity)> aForceField;*/
// If a force field is needed as external force
// It is best to passed it as a 'functor' to make sure it does not depend on aCurrentStatus
// If you added the force field as the result of evaluating the field at the current status
// E.g. `aFieldForce(t) = f(aCurrentStatus(t), t)`
// Then it must be added to aCurrentStatus, because it is depend on the previous status of the obejct
// Passive colliders, can be evaluated at any time
static MAttributeOf<MDouble4> aCollisionPlane; // [in] A plane to collide with the particle: (A,B,C,D) in Ax+By+Cz+D>=0
static MAttributeOf<double> aCollisionElasticity; // [in] The elasticity of the collision plane
static MTypeId id;
static MString nodeName;
MTypeId physicsEngine::id = { 0x00081165 };
MString physicsEngine::nodeName = { "physicsEngine" };
MAttributeOf<MTime> physicsEngine::aInputTime;
MObject physicsEngine::aCurrentStatus;
MAttributeOf<MTime> physicsEngine::aCurrentTime;
MAttributeOf<MDouble3> physicsEngine::aCurrentPosition;
MAttributeOf<MDouble3> physicsEngine::aCurrentVelocity;
MObject physicsEngine::aInitialStatus;
MAttributeOf<MTime> physicsEngine::aInitialTime;
MAttributeOf<MDouble3> physicsEngine::aInitialPosition;
MAttributeOf<MDouble3> physicsEngine::aInitialVelocity;
MAttributeOf<MDouble3> physicsEngine::aForce;
MAttributeOf<double> physicsEngine::aMass;
MAttributeOf<MDouble4> physicsEngine::aCollisionPlane;
MAttributeOf<double> physicsEngine::aCollisionElasticity;
MAttributeOf<bool> physicsEngine::aSimulationEnabled;
// When setting infinite values, do not use max()/min() directly, could overflow easily.
static constexpr MTime::MTick kMaximumTimeTick = std::numeric_limits<MTime::MTick>::max() / 2;
static constexpr MTime::MTick kMinimumTimeTick = std::numeric_limits<MTime::MTick>::min() / 2 + 1;
static const MTime kMaximumTime = { kMaximumTimeTick / static_cast<double>(MTime::ticksPerSecond()), MTime::kSeconds };
static const MTime kMinimumTime = { kMinimumTimeTick / static_cast<double>(MTime::ticksPerSecond()), MTime::kSeconds };
MStatus physicsEngine::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data)
using namespace physics;
// Only aCurrentStatus is the computable
if (plug == aCurrentStatus || plug.parent() == aCurrentStatus)
MTime time = get_input(data, aInputTime);
MTime start = get_input(data, aInitialTime);
ObjectStatus status;
status.Time = get_as_is(data, aCurrentTime);
status.Position = get_as_is(data, aCurrentPosition);
status.Velocity = get_as_is(data, aCurrentVelocity);
if (status.Time <= start || time <= start) {
// Setup initial status
status.Time = start;
status.Position = get_input(data, aInitialPosition);
status.Velocity = get_input(data, aInitialVelocity);
assert(status.Time >= start);
bool simulation = get_input(data, aSimulationEnabled);
if (simulation && time > status.Time) {
MTime dt = time - status.Time;
MDouble3 force = get_input(data, aForce);
double mass = get_input(data, aMass);
MDouble4 ground = get_input(data, aCollisionPlane);
double damp = get_input(data, aCollisionElasticity);
status = apply_velocity(status, dt, force / mass);
status = resolve_collision(status, ground, damp);
// Emulate the slow computation for real world solver
using namespace std::chrono;
set(data, aCurrentTime, status.Time);
set(data, aCurrentPosition, status.Position);
set(data, aCurrentVelocity, status.Velocity);
return MS::kSuccess;
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
void physicsEngine::getCacheSetup(const MEvaluationNode& evalNode, MNodeCacheDisablingInfo&, MNodeCacheSetupInfo& setupInfo, MObjectArray&) const
bool simulation;
if (evalNode.dirtyPlugExists(aSimulationEnabled)) {
// This attribute is not designed to be animated...
// It is safer to treat it as running simulation if it is animated
assert(!"'physicsEngine.simulation' cannot not be animated");
simulation = true;
} else {
auto data = const_cast<physicsEngine*>(this)->forceCache();
simulation = get_input(data, aSimulationEnabled);
// evalNode.dirtyPlugExists(aCurrentStatus) checks if `this.position` or `this.velocity` is connected
// Otherwise compute(aCurrentStatus) will not be called during evaluation
// There is no simulation to do in that case
if (simulation && evalNode.dirtyPlugExists(aCurrentStatus)) {
void physicsEngine::configCache(const MEvaluationNode& evalNode, MCacheSchema& schema) const
// Always cache the aCurrentStatus(t)
// It is needed to compute aCurrentStatus(t+1)
// Other input attributes must be computable at any time
// Interactions with Maya while background simulation is running may interrupt the simulation and destroy the status data stored in the datablock
// When the interaction finishes and background simulation is resumed
// Maya will restore all cached attributes on this node into the datablock
// For example, the background evaluation are resumed to compute the frame of [5,6,7,...]
// Before the start of evaluation for frame 5
// The cached data for frame 4 will be restored into the datablock
// And thus, one can use `datablock.outpuValue(aCurrentStatus)` in MPxNode::compute() to read the previous-status
// If aCurrentStatus is not cached and restored, the simulation on frames [5,6,7,...] maybe incorrect
if (evalNode.dirtyPlugExists(aCurrentStatus))
MTimeRange physicsEngine::transformInvalidationRange(const MPlug& source, const MTimeRange& input) const
// This is the logic for builds with simulation resumption support
return input | MTimeRange{ input.bounds().min, kMaximumTime };
// This is for nodes does not cache internal status and thus cannot resume simulation
// Have to restart from the beginning
//auto data = const_cast<physicsEngine*>(this)->forceCache();
//auto start = get_as_is(data, aInitialTime);
//return input | MTimeRange{ start, kMaximumTime };
void* physicsEngine::creator()
return new physicsEngine();
MStatus physicsEngine::initialize()
MStatus status;
aSimulationEnabled = nAttr.create("simulation", "se", MFnNumericData::kBoolean); nAttr.setDefault(true); nAttr.setKeyable(false); nAttr.setWritable(true); nAttr.setReadable(true); nAttr.setStorable(true); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aInputTime = uAttr.create("inputTime", "ipt", MFnUnitAttribute::kTime, 0.0); uAttr.setReadable(false); uAttr.setWritable(true); uAttr.setStorable(false); uAttr.setHidden(true);
aCurrentStatus = cAttr.create("status", "s");
aCurrentTime = uAttr.create("time", "t", MFnUnitAttribute::kTime); uAttr.setDefault(kMinimumTime); uAttr.setWritable(false); uAttr.setConnectable(false); uAttr.setHidden(true);
aCurrentPosition = nAttr.create("position", "p", MFnNumericData::k3Double);
aCurrentVelocity = nAttr.create("velocity", "v", MFnNumericData::k3Double);
aInitialStatus = cAttr.create("initialStatus", "is");
aInitialTime = uAttr.create("initialTime", "it", MFnUnitAttribute::kTime, 1.0); uAttr.setKeyable(false); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aInitialPosition = nAttr.create("initialPosition", "ip", MFnNumericData::k3Double); nAttr.setDefault(0.0, 10.0, 0.0); nAttr.setKeyable(false); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aInitialVelocity = nAttr.create("initialVelocity", "iv", MFnNumericData::k3Double); nAttr.setDefault(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); nAttr.setKeyable(false); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aForce = nAttr.create("force", "f", MFnNumericData::k3Double); nAttr.setDefault(0.0, -9.8, 0.0); nAttr.setWritable(true); nAttr.setReadable(true); nAttr.setStorable(true); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aMass = nAttr.create("mass", "m", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0); nAttr.setWritable(true); nAttr.setReadable(true); nAttr.setStorable(true); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aCollisionPlane = nAttr.create("collisionPlane", "cp", MFnNumericData::k4Double); nAttr.setDefault(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); nAttr.setWritable(true); nAttr.setReadable(true); nAttr.setStorable(true); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
aCollisionElasticity = nAttr.create("collisionElasticity", "ce", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.8); nAttr.setWritable(true); nAttr.setReadable(true); nAttr.setStorable(true); nAttr.setChannelBox(true);
status = addAttribute(aSimulationEnabled);
status = addAttribute(aInputTime);
status = addAttribute(aCurrentStatus);
status = addAttribute(aInitialStatus);
status = addAttribute(aForce);
status = addAttribute(aMass);
status = addAttribute(aCollisionPlane);
status = addAttribute(aCollisionElasticity);
status = attributeAffects(aSimulationEnabled, aCurrentStatus);
status = attributeAffects(aInputTime, aCurrentStatus);
status = attributeAffects(aInitialStatus, aCurrentStatus);
status = attributeAffects(aForce, aCurrentStatus);
status = attributeAffects(aMass, aCurrentStatus);
status = attributeAffects(aCollisionPlane, aCurrentStatus);
status = attributeAffects(aCollisionElasticity, aCurrentStatus);
return MS::kSuccess;
MCallbackId gNodeAddedCallbackId;
// Plug-in entry points
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "1.0", "Any");
status = plugin.registerNode(
if (!status) {
return status;
// Ensure physicsEngine.inputTime is always connected to time node
gNodeAddedCallbackId = MDGMessage::addNodeAddedCallback([](MObject& node, void*) {
static MPlug timeOutPlug;
if (timeOutPlug.isNull())
MObject timeNode = itr.thisNode();
MFnDependencyNode fDN(timeNode);
timeOutPlug = { timeNode, fDN.attribute("outTime") };
MFnDependencyNode fDN(node);
MPlug timeInPlug { node, physicsEngine::aInputTime };
if (!timeOutPlug.isNull() && !timeInPlug.isNull()) {
MDGModifier modifier;
modifier.connect(timeOutPlug, timeInPlug);
}, physicsEngine::nodeName);
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
MStatus status;
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
status = plugin.deregisterNode(physicsEngine::id);
if (!status) {
return status;
return status;