Weight settings

The Weight settings allow you to change the weight of tangents. When you stretch or shorten the handle of a weighted tangent, the interpolation curve is affected by a third point, represented by the end of the tangent handle. You can stretch a weighted tangent without affecting its angle.

Weight settings A. Weight Selection option B. Value for left tangent C. Reset Left Weight D. Link/Unlink Left & Right Weight option E. Reset Right Weight F. Value for right tangent

Weight Selection

The Weight Selection option allows you to weight the left and right tangents of selected keyframes at the same time. The Weight settings are available only when this option is active.

This option is similar to the Weight Selection option in the context menu. See Weighted Tangents for more information.

Disabling the Weight Selection option removes weighting from both tangents of selected keyframes. See Reset to reset tangents separately.

Weight (Wt) fields

The Weight settings include two fields (B and F in the previous figure,) that allow you to change the weight of the tangents for a selected keyframe.

To change the value in a field, drag in the field, or double-click in the field and type a value. You can also drag the tangent handles themselves. The Weight field on the left affects the left tangent, and the field on the right affects the right tangent.

Changing the weight of a curve A. Weight settings are at 0.333 and 0.990 B. weight of the tangent on the right is changed

Reset Left and Right Weight

The Reset buttons for the Weight fields (C and E in the figure,) allow you to reset the right or left tangents of selected keyframes to 0.3333, removing the weight from either tangent.

Link/Unlink Left & Right Weight

When the Link/Unlink Left & Right Weight option for the Weight fields is active, you can modify the weight of both left and right tangents at the same time, whether or not the tangents are broken.

When the Break option is active (see Break option), you can modify the weight of each tangent separately when the Link/Unlink Left & Right Weight option is disabled, or by dragging a weighted tangent handle.