
Watch the videos and work through the tutorials in this section for a thorough hands-on introduction to Simulation Utility LT controls and simulation analysis.

Sample files for use with the tutorials are available for download at https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/tsarticles/ts/2Yfrn77HGCZfr2IUaGPEJb.html. Expand the downloaded ZIP archive into a convenient directory from which you can import files into Simulation Utility LT as you need them.

Using the example files

Depending on the nature of the respective tutorial, example files may be left untouched or may be either joined by new files or even overwritten. As such, you may want to keep the original ZIP archive around to restore files and folders as needed.

For example, Tutorials 3, 4, 8, and 9 cover the complete simulation workflow, including the import of one or more STL files and a prompt to specify a location for the TIVUS project file. For most of the others, like Tutorial 7, this is shortened to opening an existing TIVUS file, and for those, results files from mesh generation and simulations are going to be saved next to this file.