Use the options in the Curve Editor tab > Create panel > Lines menu to create new lines. You can define the lines either interactively or by entering coordinates.
All of the options on this menu display their own individual toolbar.
Toggle continuous/single line — Click to toggle between creating a continuous line and single lines .
Close Segment — Click to close the current segment.
Start New Segment — Click to end the current segment so the next point is the start of a new segment.
Finish — Click to accept the changes and close the toolbar.
For more information, see the create lines example.
Toggle continuous/single line — Click to toggle between creating a continuous line and single lines .
Fillet corners — When selected, creates a rectangle with filleted corners.
When deselected, a rectangle with right-angled corners is created.
Radius — The radius of the fillets. This option is only available when Fillet corner is selected.
Finish — Click to accept the changes and close the toolbar.