Tool database

Use the Database item to search for a tool that you want to use in your current PowerMill project. Reusing an existing tool can help you save time.

Click Home tab > Tool panel > Database to display the Tool Database Search dialog.

The options on the dialog are grouped by type:

Search Settings — Use the Search Settings to enter the search criteria necessary to find the required tool or tools. You can select a tool by entering search criteria in any number of the fields (or, entering no search criteria, to display the whole database for the selected tool type), and then clicking the Search button.

Stock Material — Use the Stock Material options to specify the stock material. The stock material displayed here is the material that is associated with any new tool created in PowerMill, whether it be from the tool database or otherwise. If the tool is created from the database, it inherits any cutting data that exists for that tool and stock material combination in the database.

Holder — Use the Holder options to search for a tool holder and apply the selected holder to the specified tool.

Search Results — The Search Results table displays all the tools in the database that meet your search criteria.

Tool Assembly Preview pane — The pane displays the selected tool, tip, shank, and holder.

Options for Tool Database — Click to display the options for the Tool Database.

Note: If a PowerMill Error is displayed, reporting that there is no connection to the database, you must register the Tool Database Server.