The Circular tab on the Multiple Transform dialog creates multiple Rotations of curves.
The orientation of the transform is determined by the principal working plane
, or
, set in the
Information toolbar.
The Circular tab contains the following:
work as a toggle.
Radius — Enter a value to define the radius of the pattern. You can also use the slider to determine the radius.
Original transform:
Click to change it to:
and to update the Offset angle to -45.
It is best to see how these settings interact by example. If you have:
PowerMill calculates the Number automatically (it is 6).
If you have:
PowerMill calculates the Angle automatically (it is 72).
If you have:
An Angle of 60
A Number of 5.
PowerMill calculates a partial circular pattern.
Offset angle of0:
Offset Angle of20:
Rotate and copy:
Rotate and move:
Centre element selected:
Centre element deselected:
For more information, see Circular transform example. This shows how to create multiple rotations on a toolpath using a circular pattern, but the principle is the same for curves.