Adding extra columns to a schedule of holes on Component Drawings

Find the string to add to the template in one of the following ways:

To record a macro that adds a column displaying the Thread Top Diameter of holes:

  1. Select a model.
  2. Click Draft tab > Drawing panel > New to display a new drawing in the graphics window.
  3. Create an object on the drawing and make it active.
  4. Click Home tab > Macro panel > Record. The Select a file to record to dialog is displayed.
  5. Enter an appropriate filename for your macro.
  6. Click Annotation tab > Table panel > Hole to display the Hole schedule dialog:

  7. Select Columns > Thread Details > Thread Top Diameter to select the option.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Home tab > Macro panel > Record to stop recording the macro.
  10. Open the macro file with a text editor. The commands look like this:

    Create Schedule Schedule



    The item that you are interested in is THREADTOPDIAMETER

    This must be added to the Component Drawing template.

  11. Open component_drawing_template.psmodel as described in Customizing the Component Drawings.
  12. Using the method described in Defining the BOM parameters on the GA sheet, open the required drawing templates. Schedules appear in the drawing templates:

    component_sheet_plate_X - plate components.

    component_sheet_userdefined_X - user-defined components.

  13. For each drawing template that is to display the additional column, double-click the Schedule list and add the following into the list:


The next time you create component drawings, the new columns are displayed.