Creating Component Drawings

You can create component drawings for standard and non-standard components.

Note: The availability of this feature is license dependent.

To create a component drawing:

  1. Click Wizard tab > Mode panel > Toolmaker On/Off to turn Toolmaker mode on.
  2. Select the assembly model or portion of the model you want to make a component drawing for. If you only select part of the assembly, your drawing will be based on the selection. If you do not select a particular part of the assembly, the component drawing will include all the components.
  3. Click Draft tab > Drawing panel > Component Drawings. The Component Drawings dialog is displayed.
  4. Use the options on the dialog to determine the contents of your drawing:
    • Standard components — Create a component drawing for all standard components. These are components contained in the catalogs that are available.
    • Non-standard components — Create a component drawing of all non-standard components. These are standard catalog components that you have modified in some way (for example a bolt where you have increased the length or diameter).
    • User-defined components — Create a component drawing for user-defined components. These are components that you have created from a solid.
    • Create GA sheet — If selected, the GA sheet for your selection is created. This includes an embedded Bill of Materials. You can define the columns of the data that are displayed by modifying the component drawing template. For further details, see Defining the BOM parameters on the GA sheet.

      If selected and the component drawing template contains drawings prefixed with ga_sheet, the appropriate drawings will be created.

    • Create shaded GA sheet — If selected, the shaded GA sheet for your selection is created. If selected and the component drawing template contains drawings prefixed with shaded_ga_sheet, the appropriate drawings will be created.
  5. Click OK to create the drawing, based on your selection. The appropriate component template is automatically selected for each type of component to allow your component drawing to be closest to 1:1 scale.

    An information dialog is displayed that shows the number of component drawings that are created.

    Note: If you create multiple component drawings, use the Drawing Selector dialog to select the drawing that is displayed.