You can use several methods to open Revit files from Windows® Explorer®.
- Double-click a project or family file.
- Drag a project file from Windows® Explorer® into Revit.
- Drag a family file from Windows® Explorer® into the Project Browser or drawing area of Revit to load it into the project.
- Drag a family file from Windows® Explorer® into anywhere other than the Project Browser or the drawing area (such as the ribbon, Quick Access toolbar, or the title bar) to open the family in the Family Editor.
- Drag multiple files from Windows® Explorer® into an active session of Revit. A dialog opens, asking whether you want to open dropped files in separate windows or load dropped families into the current project.
Note: If you are editing a non-workshared file and another user attempts to open the same file, the user will be given access to the file in a read-only state.