Specify Coordinates Before Linking Site Data

Before linking site data from a civil engineer, you can specify coordinates in the Revit model. This strategy ensures accurate positioning of the model on the linked site.

Use grid (GIS) coordinates from the civil engineer to define the survey point or the project base point in the model, as follows:

  1. Obtain GIS coordinates from the civil engineer.

    If you have access to Civil 3D, get the following coordinates for the selected survey point of the site:

    • Grid Northing
    • Grid Easting

    For easy reference, copy and paste these values into a text file.

  2. In the Revit model, use these coordinates to specify coordinates at the survey point or the project base point:
    1. In the site plan view, select the survey point or the project base point, unclip it, and position it as desired in relation to the model.
    2. Using the Specify Coordinates at Point tool, select the point at the center of the unclipped point. In the Specify Shared Coordinates dialog, enter the GIS coordinates for North/South (Grid Northing) and East/West (Grid Easting). Click OK.
      Note: Enter coordinates using units that match the Length project units specified for Revit. As an alternative, enter the coordinates with a unit indicator (such as m for meters), and Revit converts the value automatically to the correct project units.
  3. Select the point again, and confirm that the correct GIS coordinates display.

    The point can be clipped or unclipped when you link the site data.

When the survey point or the project base point uses the GIS coordinates and you then link site data, the model aligns to the site correctly.

If you need to push the coordinates to other models that are linked to this Revit model, use the Publish Coordinates tool.

When exporting this model to DWG or DXF, you can set an option to include the GIS coordinates as part of the export.