Place Whole Host Area Reinforcement

In a 3D view you can place reinforcement that spans the full extents of the host element.

Note: This method does not allow for individual control of the rebar hooks.
  1. Open a 3D view of a floor, wall or foundation slab.
  2. Click Structure tabReinforcement panel (Area).
    Note: The tool is also available on the selection Contextual Tab for elements that are valid reinforcement hosts.
  3. Select the host (such as a floor, wall or foundation slab) to receive reinforcement.
  4. Click Modify | Create Reinforcement Boundary tabDraw panel (Major Direction).
    Note: Major Direction is also used when sketching fabric areas.
  5. Using the tools in the sketch gallery, sketch a line along one edge of the host element to establish the direction of reinforcement.
  6. Click Modify | Create Reinforcement Boundary tabMode panel (Finish Edit Mode).
    Note: When you place area reinforcement, the rebar elements are not visible. If you want to display them you can specify the visibility of rebar elements in the Graphics section of the Area Reinforcement Properties palette. The visibility setting is available only when hosting rebar in area reinforcement.