Edit Rebar Constraints

Easily manage rebar constraints, select bar handles and constraint targets, and navigate through the available editing options to make changes.

Video: Place Rebar with Modified Constraints

Note: When you edit rebar constraints, the edited bar highlights in green (See Options Dialog: Graphics Tab):

  1. Select a rebar element in your model.
  2. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tab Host panel (Edit Constraints).
  3. Select a bar handle, choose a constraint target and adjust the bar geometry and behavior.

    In this example, a segment of the rebar instance is selected and highlighted in green. The reference to which the rebar segment is constrained is highlighted in orange. In this case, it is the face reference of the host.

  4. Click a new reference line to assign the new constraint reference. The dimension reports the distance from the rebar to the constraint.

    See Rebar Constraints Offset Control and Options to learn more about the available constraints editing options.

  5. Click the dimension to enter a specific distance and press Enter to apply.

    The following image shows a bar end constraint dimension being adjusted to 100mm from the surface of the host.

  6. Click Modify | Structural Rebar tab Multiple panel (Finish) to apply the constraint changes and exit the editor.

  7. Note: You can edit rebar constraints in 3D views in a similar manner. While rebar cover lines do not display in 3D views, the relevant options are displayed for each bar handle.

Valid Targets

Each bar handle is defined by a plane that is driving that constraint. To see a representation of that plane, open a 3D view and edit the bar constraints.

A rebar target is considered valid, if the plane of the current bar handle and the plane of the target are parallel. This applies to segments, bar plane (where the set starts) or bar start / end.

  1. Selected rebar handle.
  2. Valid rebar constraint target - the segment is parallel to the selected handle.
  3. Invalid rebar constraint target - the segment is not parallel to the selected handle. It will not highlight when you hover the cursor over it.
Note: If a target is not valid, it will not highlight, and it will not be available for selection.
Bars that are already constrained to the current bar (even through other bars), are shown in a halftone color and their references cannot be selected, because it would result in a circular reference. In this example rebar set (3) is constrained to (2), which is constrained to (1):