Place Rebar

Place individual rebar instances in valid hosts.

Click Structure tab Reinforcement panel (Rebar).
Note: The tool is also available on the selection Contextual Tab for elements that are valid rebar hosts.
You can place shape driven rebar using one of the two available placement methods:
  • Expand to Host: Places rebar by expanding the rebar shape to fill the space provided within a concrete element host. See Place Rebar - Expand to Host.
  • By Two Points: Places rebar by expanding the rebar shape to fill a box you define by two points. See Place Rebar - By Two Points.

Choose general reinforcement settings that apply for the project. See General Reinforcement Settings.

Besides the library of shapes loaded into the project, you can load additional shapes before or during placement. Click Modify | Place Rebar tab Family panel (Load Shapes).

Show Tooltip

For both the Expand To Host and By Two Points placement methods, there is a visual indication of the options that are available at each step, in the form of a tooltip that follows the cursor. The tooltip shows information like switching between placement options, rotating or flipping the rebar shape or aligning to a reference.

You can choose to show or hide the cursor tooltip. To do this:
  • In the Modify | Place Rebar tab Show Tooltip panel, click (Show Tooltip).
  • To rehost a rebar shape, select it and click Modify | Structural Rebar tabHost panel (Pick New Host). Then select a new rebar host.
  • To change the selection from the rebar to the host element, select one or several rebar sets and click Modify | Structural Rebar tabHost panel (Select Host). Alternately, select one or more rebar, right click and choose Select Host from the contextual menu.