ジャンプ先: 概要. 戻り値. 関連. フラグ. Python 例.
polyBevel([angleTolerance=float], [autoFit=boolean], [caching=boolean], [constructionHistory=boolean], [mergeVertexTolerance=linear], [mergeVertices=boolean], [miteringAngle=float], [name=string], [nodeState=int], [offset=linear], [offsetAsFraction=boolean], [roundness=float], [segments=int], [smoothingAngle=float], [subdivideNgons=boolean], [useLegacyBevelAlgorithm=boolean], [uvAssignment=int], [worldSpace=boolean])
注: オブジェクトの名前と引数を表す文字列は、カンマで区切る必要があります。これはシノプシスに示されていません。
polyBevel は、取り消し可能、照会可能、および編集可能です。
polyAppend, polyAppendVertex, polyChipOff, polyCreateFacet, polyExtrudeEdge, polyExtrudeFacet, polySmooth, polySplit, polySplitVertex, polySubdivideEdge, polySubdivideFacet, polyTriangulate
angleTolerance, autoFit, caching, constructionHistory, mergeVertexTolerance, mergeVertices, miteringAngle, name, nodeState, offset, offsetAsFraction, roundness, segments, smoothingAngle, subdivideNgons, useLegacyBevelAlgorithm, uvAssignment, worldSpace
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Replace an edge by 1 face, the width of the new face is given by the offset value.
cmds.polyCube( n='plg' )
cmds.polyBevel( 'plg.e[7]', offset=0.2 )
cmds.delete( 'plg' )
# Replace an edge by 4 faces, the new faces are rounding a smooth angle.
cmds.polyCube( n='plg' )
cmds.polyBevel( 'plg.e[7]', segments=4, offset=0.4 )
cmds.delete( 'plg' )
# Replace an edge by 4 faces, the new faces are rounding an angle specified by the default value of roundness (i.e 0.5).
cmds.polyCube( n='plg' )
cmds.polyBevel( 'plg.e[7]', segments=4, autoFit=Flase )
cmds.delete( 'plg' )