ジャンプ先: 概要. 戻り値. 関連. フラグ. Python 例.
polySubdivideEdge([caching=boolean], [constructionHistory=boolean], [divisions=int], [name=string], [nodeState=int], [size=linear], [worldSpace=boolean])
注: オブジェクトの名前と引数を表す文字列は、カンマで区切る必要があります。これはシノプシスに示されていません。
polySubdivideEdge は、取り消し可能、照会可能、および編集可能です。
既定:エッジを同じ長さの 2 つに分割します。
polyAppend, polyAppendVertex, polyBevel, polyChipOff, polyCreateFacet, polyExtrudeEdge, polyExtrudeFacet, polySmooth, polySplit, polySplitVertex, polySubdivideFacet, polyTriangulate
caching, constructionHistory, divisions, name, nodeState, size, worldSpace
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.polyCube( n='plg', w=5, h=5, d=5 )
cmds.scale( 2, 2, 2 )
cmds.select( 'plg' )
cmds.polyOptions( ao=True, dv='true' )
cmds.select( cl=True )
# Simple subdivision
cmds.select( 'plg.e[1]' )
cmds.polySubdivideEdge( dv=4 )
# The selected edges are subdivided by 4 vertices (5 subedges).
# Local bound
cmds.select( 'plg.e[7]' )
cmds.polySubdivideEdge( dv=4, s=1.5 )
# The length of each subedge must be greater or equal to 1.5
# in local space. Length of original edge is 5 in local space.
# Min size indicates that only 3 subedges can be created.
# World bound
cmds.select( 'plg.e[5]' )
cmds.polySubdivideEdge( dv=4, s=2, ws=True )
# The length of each subedge has to be greater or equal to 2
# in world space. Length of original edge is 10 in world space.
# All required subdivisions are done.