About Leader Note Symbols (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

AutoCAD Mechanical toolset lets you use the note symbol to add a text to an object in the drawing.

The symbol consists of a leader and a text. The text you add can be plain text or a formula. AutoCAD Mechanical toolset includes a set of predefined formulas, known as templates, which are in the symbol library. When you attach a leader note to an object, AutoCAD Mechanical toolset intelligently filters out all the irrelevant templates and shows only the templates that apply to that object.

AutoCAD Mechanical toolset supports the following:

When a leader note is attached to a part or a feature, you can delete the leader or insert additional leaders without hurting the association with the attached object. If you move the object, the leader note moves with object. If you want to attach the leader note to a different object, you must detach it first.

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