Lane Subassemblies

Use these subassemblies to design various types of lanes for road assemblies.

Image Subassembly Common Uses

CrownedLane: A crowned lane with separate subbase slope control and the ability to control the location of the subbase crown.

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Crowned road where subgrade slope and crown needs to be controlled independently

GenericPavementStructure: A simple pavement structure with user-definable point, link, and shape codes.

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Any pavement course

LaneBrokenBack: Two travel lanes with independent cross-slopes.

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Highways with multiple lanes in one travel direction

LaneSuperelevationAOR: Lane that responds to superelevation calculations, including axis of rotation pivot points. This subassembly is commonly used for general-purpose lane creation.

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All road lanes

LaneParabolic: Creates a simple parabolic shape where the crown height, width, and slope can be adjusted. Slope is calculated using a "string line" attached to left ETW and right ETW.

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Any road design where parabolic lane is required

ShapeTrapezoidal: Generic shape with user-defined geometry and codes.

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Irregular-shaped pavement courses and other structures
Image Subassembly Common Uses

LaneFromTaperedMedian1: Maintains the cross slope of the lane while extending it inward to create a left turn lane. Works in conjunction with an alignment defining the median edge.

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Medians with left turn lanes

LaneFromTaperedMedian2: Similar to LaneFromTaperedMedian1 except that it allows for two lanes outside the median.

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Medians with left turn lanes - multiple lanes in one travel direction

LaneInsideSuperLayerVaryingWidth: Lane that responds to Inside Lane superelevation value and allows independent widths for each pavement course. Up to 10 different courses can be specified.

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Pavement structures requiring more than four courses with varying widths

LaneInsideSuperMultiLayer: Similar to LaneInsideSuper except that there are additional available pavement courses.

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Pavement structures requiring more than four courses

LaneOutsideSuperLayerVaryingWidth: Lane that responds to Outside Lane superelevation value and allows independent widths for each pavement course. Up to 10 different courses can be specified.

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Pavement structures requiring more than four courses with varying widths

LaneOutsideSuperMultiLayer: Similar to LaneOutsideSuper except that there are additional available pavement courses.

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Pavement structures requiring more than four courses

LaneOutsideSuperWithWidening: Automatically widens lane in superelevated regions using a formula based on the radius of the curve and the length of the wheelbase.

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Highways where lane widening is required when in superelevation