A run is a collection of one or more routes with the same or unique styles that work together to make up a complete flow system. A route is the path that shapes the flow system within the assembly. It determines the intelligent placement of library components for the run along that path.
In the following image, a run has been expanded in the browser. The elements labeled 1 are flexible hose routes, while the elements labeled 2 are bent tubing routes. The highlighted routes are part of the same run even though they use two different styles.
Some routes contained in a run start and end on the assembly model geometry. Other routes branch off a primary route. They create a network of the interconnecting rigid pipes, bent tubes, and flexible hoses required for a single flow system.
Once you have a route, you can populate it. You can use Content Center library content based on the tube and pipe style and the route path you defined through the assembly.
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