Profile a scene to improve performance

Select Windows > General Editors > Profiler to open the Profiler window.

Profiling is a process that calculates how much time and resources are used to complete certain processes. It is useful for finding inefficiencies in code that slow down productivity. The Profiler allows you to locate performance bottlenecks in your scene by recording and demonstrating in a graph the amount of time that each process consumes.

To record a process

The Main category is always recorded regardless of its setting in the Record/View Categories window. If you disable this category in the Record/View Categories window, its events are considered hidden and included in the Hidden events count at the bottom of the Profiler.

  1. Customize the categories that you want to record and view. Click and the Record/View Categories window appears, allowing you to disable categories that you do not need to record or view.

    Streamlining your view and recordings reduces clutter in the draw region and simplifies the visualization of data.

  2. Click Start Recording.
  3. Start your animation. Stop the animation when you want to stop recording.
    Note: You can also record the processing time for other actions such as selection.
  4. Click Stop Recording to stop recording.

    The Profiler now illustrates a graph demonstrating the processing time for your animation.

  5. (Optional) Select among different graph views: CPU view, Category view, and Thread view. Category view is the default, but you can switch to the other views using the View menu or the 1, 2, 3 hotkeys.
Tip: You can toggle recording on and off using Ctrl + R.

See Interpret your Profiler graph results for information on how to interpret your Profiler graph.

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