Divide faces into triangles or quadrangles

You can subdivide a polygon face into triangles or quadrangles. Divisions are added either exponentially or linearly. To understand the difference, see Smooth Options.

Note: You can also use Add Divisions to divide polygon edges. For more information see Divide polygon edges.

To divide a face

  1. Select the faces you want to divide and choose Edit Mesh > Add Divisions or click in the Modeling Toolkit.
  2. In the In-View Editor that appears, edit the polySubdFace node options:
    • Set Add divisions to Exponentially or Linearly.

      Exponentially subdivides the face or edge recursively. The Linearly setting subdivides the face into an absolute number of segments. In addition, with the Linearly setting, you can specify subdivisions in U and V.

    • Set the Division Levels to specify the number of subdivisions that occur for the selected faces depending on the Add divisions setting.
    • The Exponentially controls let you specify the Mode to be either triangles or quadrangles.

Troubleshooting the Add Divisions feature

A face does not subdivide

You cannot use the Add Divisions feature on faces that contain holes. Also, you cannot subdivide concave faces unless the center point is inside the face.

To subdivide a concave face into convex parts, use the Multi-Cut Tool or Mesh > Triangulate. To remove holes use Triangulate.