Use nConstraints to adjust the behavior of Nucleus objects (nCloth, nParticle, Soft Bodies, and nHair objects), by restricting their movement or securing them to other objects.
Access the Use Sets option in the Constraint Option Box to add all the selected Nucleus object's components, or only the components you selected, to a dynamic constraint selection set. Component constraints has additional options.
Creates a Stretch or Bend Component constraint between selected faces and along selected edges of an nCloth mesh.
Select to set the Component nConstraint Options.
Creates a Component to Component constraint between selected nCloth object components, nHair curve vertices, or nParticles objects (or individual nParticles). For example, you can use a Component to Component constraint to attach a button to an nCloth shirt.
See Create nCoth Component to Component constraints, Create an nParticle Component to Component constraint, or Create nHair Component to Component constraint.
You can use a Force Field constraint to correct unwanted penetrations by repelling objects or particular vertices, nHair curve CVs, or nParticles.
A Force Field constraint can be applied to the whole Nucleus object, as well as to localized vertices, curve CVs or individual nParticles. Use the Force, Strength and Strength Dropoff attributes on the dynamicConstraint node to determine the power of the force field. Positive values cause the force field to push out, while negative values cause the force field to suck in the nCloth, nHair or nParticles.
Create nCloth Force Field constraints, Create an nParticle Force Field constraint, or Create an nHair Force Field constraint.
Creates a Point to Surface constraint from the selected nCloth object vertices, nHair curve vertices, or nParticle object components to a target surface (an nCloth object or a passive object). This type of nConstraint is useful when you want to hold parts of an nCloth object (like a cuff on a shirt) to a polygon mesh (like a character’s wrist).
See Create nCloth Point to Surface constraints , Create an nParticle Point to Surface constraint, or Create an nHair Point to Surface constraint.
Creates a Slide on Surface constraint from the selected nCloth, nHair, nParticle, or passive object components to a target surface (nCloth or passive object).
It allows the constrained components to move or slip along the surface to which they are constrained. The Slide on Surface constraint is a variation of the Point to Surface constraint that allows sliding. This type of nConstraint can be used instead of collisions, and in most cases works faster than collisions
See Create nCloth Slide on Surface constraints, Create an nParticle Slide on Surface constraint, or Create nHair Slide on Surface constraint.
Creates a Tearable Surface constraint for the selected nCloth object. The Tearable Surface make nCloth objects tearable or shatterable by separating all of their faces, generating new edges and vertices, merging the nCloths’ vertices, softening the nCloths’ edges, and constraining the nCloths’ points (tear) or edges (shatter) together using the Weld constraint method.
This is useful when you want to create nCloth surfaces that can rip or shatter when they collide with passive objects or other nCloth objects. The Glue Strength attribute on the dynamicConstraint node determines how easily an nCloth tears or shatters (see dynamicConstraint).
Creates a Transform constraint for the selected Nucleus object components (vertices, edges, or faces for nCloth objects, dynamics curves vertices for nHair and particles for nParticles). If nCloth edges or faces are selected, then all the edge’s or face’s vertices are Transform constrained.
Transform constraints hold selected vertices of nCloth and passive collision objects, nHair curve CVs, and selected particles of nParticle objects in place or move them through XYZ space. Transform constraints have transform constraint locators that control the constrained vertices or particles. This locator can be parented, animated, or constrained to another object. For example, you can animate the transform constraint locator of a Transform-constrained nCloth silk scarf to direct its movements as it falls through the air.
Create nCloth Transform constraints, Create an nParticle Transform Constraint, or Create an nHair Transform contraint.
Creates an Exclude Collide Pairs constraint for the selected nCloth, nParticle, passive objects, or components. See Create nCloth Exclude Collide Pairs constraints, or Create an nParticle Exclude Collide Pairs constraint.
Removes the selected dynamic constraint from its target Maya Nucleus objects.
See Edit nCloth constraint membership or Edit nParticle constraint membership.
If you select a property’s , the Paint nConstraint Attributes Tool settings appear. For more information about this tool’s settings, see Artisan Tool Settings.
Lets you paint any of the available properties on the component members of your nCloth constraints. The constraint property values you paint are stored to a texture file on disk. Select a property from the submenu: Strength, Glue Strength, or Weight.
If you select a property’s , the 3D Paint Tool settings appear. For more information about this tool’s settings, see 3D Paint Tool.
Converts the texture map for the selected nCloth constraint to values stored on the constraint’s member vertices, according to the specified property. Select a property from the submenu: Strength, Glue Strength, or Weight.