A story is a series of events. You can combine and manipulate objects such as, characters, lights, cameras, audio, and animation along a timeline to create a story. The following sections explain the story feature. To follow the instructions, download the files and scripts from http://area.autodesk.com/downloads/scripts/motionbuilder-animation-scripts.
Media is contained in clips that you can access through FBStoryClip
. Clips are contained in story tracks that you can access through FBStoryTrack
. Story tracks are contained in a story that you can access through FBStory
Run the manipulate_story_folders_and_tracks.py
script to see how the story tracks are organized into folders (FBStoryFolder
) and how you can manipulate the FBStoryFolder
. For example, you can make the FBStoryFolder
appear collapsed or expanded, mute all the tracks in the FBStoryFolder
, and so on.