Work with a Patterned Surface

In a conceptual design, modify the patterned surface by changing patterns, adjusting properties, and changing border tiling.

Select a patterned surface to adjust its various properties.
If you want to... then...
Change pattern geometry select a new pattern from the Type Selector drop-down. If another component or a pattern component has been previously applied to the surface, it will be replaced by the new pattern.
Modify spacing, rotation, or justification of pattern geometry open the Face Manager and adjust the UV Grid parameters. Pattern geometry is dependent on the parameters of the UV grids.
Adjust border tiling styles in the Properties palette under the Constraints section, select Empty, Partial, or Overhanging for the Border Tile parameter.
Patterned surfaces may have border tiles that intersect the edge of the surface and are not complete tiles. Partial border tiling is the default.
Empty Partial Overhanging