Browser Organization Properties Dialog: Filtering Tab

When defining an organization scheme for the Project Browser, create filters to include or exclude views, sheets, or schedules/quantities based on their properties.

Use the Filtering tab of the Browser Organization Properties dialog to specify filtering rules for an organization scheme. Use these rules to include specific items in the Project Browser. Items that do not match the rules are excluded from the Project Browser list.

Note: If the organization scheme filters, groups, or sorts based on the value of a parameter, that parameter must be defined for each view, sheet, or schedule/quantity in order for the scheme to work correctly. To edit parameters, in the Project Browser, right-click the view, sheet, or schedule/quantity, and select Properties.

You can specify up to 3 levels of filtering. For each filter, specify the property to use as a criterion, an operator (Equal to or Not equal to), and a value.

For example, to show only project views that are associated with Level 1, create a filter by Associated Level, Equal to, Level 1.

The filters are cumulative. If you define all 3 levels of filtering, a view, sheet, or schedule/quantity must meet all 3 criteria in order to be displayed in the Project Browser when the organization scheme is applied.

Parameter Description
Filter by



Select a property from the list. The list displays properties of the views, sheets, or schedules/quantities that are available for filtering.

If you have created parameters that apply to the Views, Sheets, or Schedules categories, those parameters display in the list, too.

Equal to

Not equal to

Specify the operator to use for the filter.
Value Specify the value to use as a matching criterion for the specified parameter.

Select a value from the drop-down list.