Parameters Tab (Corridor Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to view and edit the parameters of the current corridor including the baselines, regions, and controlling offsets, and setting targets.

Expands all baseline categories.

Collapses all baseline categories.

Turns on all baselines.

Turns off all baselines.

Add Baseline

Adds one or more baselines (alignments, profiles and feature lines) to the corridor definition.

Set All Frequencies

Opens the Frequency To Apply Assemblies dialogue box, where you can map targets from subassembly definitions to appropriate drawing object names for the entire corridor.

Set All Targets

Opens the Target Mapping dialogue box, where you can map targets from subassembly definitions to appropriate drawing object names for the entire corridor.

The parameters table contains the following columns:


Displays a tree listing all baselines, regions, and corresponding offset alignments.

Note: Offset alignments are displayed if the assembly is defined with assembly offsets.

The check boxes next to the baselines or region names specify whether to show (selected) or hide (cleared) the baselines or regions. If the check box is cleared, that section of corridor is not reprocessed when underlying elements (for example, alignments, subassemblies, or surfaces) change.

Note: The check boxes have a tri-state display. If only one of the regions is selected under a baseline, the check box is dimmed and unavailable.
Horizontal Baseline

Specifies the horizontal geometry for a baseline or offset baseline. Click this field to open the Select a Horizontal Baseline dialog box where you can select an alignment/profile or a feature line.

Note: For non-offset baselines, when you select a feature line, that feature line is also used as the Vertical Baseline.
Vertical Baseline

Specifies the vertical geometry for a baseline or offset baseline. The dialogue box that is displayed when you click this field depends on whether the baseline is an offset baseline or not, and the type of baseline you specify for the Horizontal Baseline.

Baseline Horizontal Baseline Vertical Baseline
Non-offset Alignment Profile; this must be a profile that is associated with the horizontal baseline alignment
Non-offset Feature Line Not selectable; this is the same feature line as the horizontal baseline
Offset Alignment Alignment/Profile; the alignment and profile can be different than what is specified for the horizontal baseline
Offset Feature Line Feature Line; can be different than the horizontal baseline

Specifies the assembly for the corridor region. Click to open the Select An Assembly dialogue box where you can select an assembly.

Start Station

Specifies the start chainage for the corridor region or controlling offset. By default, for the first region added to a baseline, this value is set to the start chainage of the baseline. If one or more corridor regions already exist, this value is set to the end chainage of last region. Enter a value or click to select a location in the drawing area.

End Station

Specifies the end chainage for the corridor region or controlling offset. By default, for the first region added to a baseline, this value is set to the end chainage of the baseline. Enter a value or click to select a location in the drawing area.


Specifies the frequency at which assemblies are placed for a given region. Click this field to open the Frequency To Apply Assemblies dialogue box, where you can modify the station frequency and manually add stations.


Opens the Target Mapping dialogue box, where you can modify the mapping of targets from subassembly definitions to appropriate drawing object names.


Opens the Corridor Parameter Override Stations dialogue box, where you can view and delete assembly overrides to stations in the selected region.

Select Region From Drawing

Selects a region in the drawing to display in the parameters table.

Lock Regions To

Specifies whether to lock the corridor regions to either the geometry or chainage of the parent alignment:

  • Geometry Locking: Locks corridor regions to the alignment geometry. If the alignment is modified, the corridor region start and end chainages are updated to maintain the region location relative to the alignment geometry.
  • Station Locking: Locks corridor region start and end stations to the corresponding alignment stations. If the alignment is modified, the corridor region start and end chainages are maintained, even if the region must move geometrically.