About Autodesk Collaboration for Civil 3D and Desktop Connector Version 16.x

This topic provides information about working with Desktop Connector 16.x and Collaboration for Civil 3D.

Upgrading to Desktop Connector 16.x

There are significant changes in the 16.x release of Desktop Connector. Please refer to the following topic prior to installing 16.x versions of Desktop Connector: Desktop Connector 16.x FAQs.

Why Upgrade to Desktop Connector 16.x?

  1. See the Desktop Connector 16.x FAQs.
  2. Workflow changes:
    • Reference files that are not yet stored in Autodesk Docs are not uploaded anymore when saving or dragging and dropping their host drawings to the Desktop Connector folder. It is recommended to prepare references in Autodesk Docs first and then start creating references. Or you can use the new Upload Files and References tool available in Desktop Connector 16.x to upload references together with their host drawings.
    • Using an XML configuration file to exclude reference files from uploading to Autodesk Docs:
  3. Performance improvements for Collaboration for Civil 3D in Civil 3D 2023.2.1 with Desktop Connector 16.x:
    • Opening a drawing that is stored in Autodesk Docs does not download the data shortcut source drawings that have no changes. This prevents unnecessary data synchronisation and improves the performance and efficiency of opening a drawing.
    • Surface files that are referenced are not downloaded when opening a drawing. They are downloaded when needed, such as when the surface is rebuilt. This prevents unnecessary data synchronisation and improves the performance and efficiency of opening a drawing.
    • For xrefs that are attached as an overlay (nested), opening a drawing does not download them, which avoids unnecessary data synchronisation. Users can use overlays and unloading to manage what will or will not need to be downloaded.
    • If all the needed files are cached on the local machine, opening a drawing stored in Autodesk Docs using Desktop Connector v. or later could get better performance than with prior versions of Desktop Connector. This is because prior to v., Desktop Connector checked for all reference dependencies every time, which can be time-consuming when there are numerous references.
  4. Several issues are fixed in Civil 3D 2023.2.1 for Collaboration for Civil 3D which require Desktop Connector 16.x.

Civil 3D Environment

The best environments to work with Collaboration for Civil 3D and Desktop Connector 16.x are as follows:

For Civil 3D 2023 users:

For Civil 3D 2024 users:

Working with Sheet Set Manager

The Sheet Set Manager for Web displays and manages named collections of drawing sheets stored in Autodesk Docs. Opening a DST file from Autodesk Docs displays the Sheet Set Manager for Web by default. It is a light version of the legacy Sheet Set Manager.

The legacy (non-web) Sheet Set Manager can be used with Desktop Connector 16.x as a workaround for users who require model views, index sheet creation and advanced plotting operations. To avoid file locking and version conflicts when a group of collaborators is working on a project:

Working with Large Surfaces

You can set the ISAVEPERCENT system variable to 50 (default = 0) to avoid the unnecessary generation of a new version of a MMS/GRS surface file when saving a drawing where no changes are made to the surface.

Note: In Civil 3D versions prior to 2024, there is a known stability issue that occurs when saving gravity pipe rule settings if the ISAVEPERCENT system variable is greater than 0.

Working with Survey Databases

With Desktop Connector 16.x, it is not recommended to collaborate on a survey database in Autodesk Docs. Please copy the data locally to perform survey operations and then upload it back to Autodesk Docs.