To Transparently Use a Gradient and Chainage to Specify a Point Location in a Profile View

You can specify a point location using gradient and chainage values.

Specify the values within the profile view, either graphically or numerically.

At least one point must be entered in the current running command before you use this transparent command.

  1. When you are prompted to enter a point in a command, do one of the following:
    • Click Transparent tab Profile panel Grade Station Find.
    • Right-click to display the Transparent Commands context menu Gradient Chainage.
    • Activate the transparent command toolbar and select Profile Gradient Chainage .
    • Enter 'pgs.
  2. Select a profile view.
  3. Specify a gradient by either entering a numeric value or clicking two points in the profile view.
  4. Specify a chainage in the profile view by either entering a numeric value or clicking a point in the profile view.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Enter another gradient and chainage.
    • Press Esc to end the transparent command.