To Transparently Use a Chainage and Level to Specify a Point Location in a Profile View

You can specify the X and Y coordinates for a point by identifying a chainage and a level within a profile view.

Specify the values within the profile view, either graphically or numerically.

  1. When you are prompted to enter a point in a command, do one of the following:
    • Click Transparent tab Profile panel Station Elevation Find.
    • Right-click to display the Transparent Commands context menu Chainage Level.
    • Activate the transparent command toolbar and select Profile Chainage Level .
    • Enter 'pse.
  2. Select a profile view.
  3. Specify a chainage in the profile view by either entering the chainage value or clicking a point in the profile view.
  4. Specify a level in the profile view by either entering a level value or clicking a point in the profile view.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Enter another chainage and level.
    • Press Esc to end the transparent command.