Material and Map Nodes in the Active View

When you edit materials and maps, these appear in the active View as “nodes” that you can wire together.

Example of a material node

A node has several components:

You can collapse a node to hide its slots, or expand it to show the slots. You can also resize a node horizontally, so the slot names are easier to read.

Node display controls

1. Collapse/expand the node.

2. Resize the node.

Left: An expanded node (the expand/collapse icon is a minus sign)

Right: The same node after collapsing it (the expand/collapse icon changes to a plus sign)

Left: An expanded node

Right: The same node after resizing it by dragging the resize icon

Note: When you resize a node by dragging its lower-right corner, the cursor doesn’t change appearance, but the corner itself changes from beveled to rectangular.

You can enlarge the preview in a node’s title bar by double-clicking the preview. To reduce the preview, double-click the preview again.

Left: A node with the default preview size

Right: The preview has been enlarged by double-clicking it. (A second double-click returns to the small size.)

While a node's parameters are displayed in the Parameter Editor, in the active View it appears with a dashed border.

Highlight for a node displayed in the Parameter Editor