To Set the Global Cut Plane and the Display Range

Use this procedure to set the cut plane and the visible display range for a display configuration.

Note: The values you enter for the Above and Below ranges are the absolute height values calculated from the WCS origin. They are not relative to the cut plane. For example, if you have set the global cut plane to 1.4 meters, set the visible range above the cut plane to a value higher than 1.4 meters; otherwise, you get an invalid display range.
  1. Access the global cut plane controls using one of the following methods.
    If you want to… Then…
    define the global cut plane height for the current display configuration click the value for Cut Plane on the status bar.
    Note: Specify a cut plane that falls within the display range, or change the value of the display range to include the cut plane height.
    define the global cut plane height for any display configuration click Manage tabStyle & Display panelDisplay Manager.

    Then, select a display configuration in the left pane, and click the Cut Plane tab.

  2. Define the cut plane and the visible ranges above and below the cut plane:
    If you want to… Then…
    define the global cut plane height for the display configuration enter the appropriate value for Cut Height.
    define the visible range above the cut plane enter the appropriate value for Display Above Range.
    Note: The value you enter here is calculated from the WCS origin and is not relative to the cut height.
    define the visible range below the cut plane enter the appropriate value for Display Below Range.
    Note: The value you enter here is calculated from the WCS origin, and is not relative to the cut height.

    You must specify a cut plane that falls within the display range, or adjust the value of the display range to include the cut plane height.

  3. Click OK.