To create an industry model using a template

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model.
  2. Create or open the project.
  3. In the right pane, in the Project Manager section, under Industry Model, click New.

    The Create New Industry Model dialog box is displayed.

  4. On the navigation pane, click the General link and enter the following information:
    • Industry Model Name: By default, this is the same as the project name.

      For example, name the project with an abbreviation of your company or organization name.

    • For Oracle-based systems only, enter the following information:
      • User Name/Password: Use only the characters a-z, 0-9 and _ (underscore). Do not specify a name that starts with a number. Enter the password twice for confirmation.

        The password is for your new industry model. In Oracle-based enterprise industry models, this is an Oracle schema.

    • Default Tablespace: From the drop-down list, select the default tablespace you created for this project.

      A database is divided in tablespaces (logical storage units). Each tablespace is associated with one or more data files on disk. After a database is created, a temporary tablespace, TEMP, is created. This is used as the Default Tablespace unless you specify a different one.

    • Temporary Tablespace: Generally, there is only a single option for this tablespace.
    • Index Tablespace: From the drop-down list, select the default tablespace you created for this project.
  5. On the navigation pane, click the Modules link and do the following:
    • Under Extensions, optionally select one or more data model extensions such as COGO, Dimensioning, or Plot. The following extensions can be added to any module or industry model.
      • COGO Extension—Adds the COGO feature classes. See also "Construction Introduction" in the User's Guide.
      • Dimension Extension—Adds the default feature classes for orthogonal and aligned dimensioning. See also Data Model: Dimensioning.
      • Oracle Data Import Extension—Adds system tables TB_MIG_* that are required for the Oracle Data Import. See also Exporting and Importing Oracle DMP Files.
      • Plot Extension—Adds the plot feature classes. See also Plot Reference.
      • Profile Extension—Adds the data structure to manage profile data. See also Profile Designer Reference.
      • Templates Extension—Adds the template feature classes. See also Data Model: Feature Templates.
    • Under Modules, select one mode or module, such as Wastewater Data Model, to create a predefined data structure.

      When you select a module, the Infrastructure Administrator stores the data model code in the system table; creates the database schema, using the unit settings; and imports pre-configured forms. See also About Data Models.

      To create a custom data model, do not select any module.

  6. On the navigation pane, click the Units link and specify the settings used for calculations.

    The Unit settings specify the default units for attributes when the industry model is created. For example, during the creation of a Wastewater module the WA_TANK.CAPACITY attribute (a volume) is created. Depending on the default settings, the corresponding unit can be cubic meters, gallons, or litres (among others). You can also define specific units for each attribute when you create it.

    The default orientation is dependent on the angle unit. For examples, if you select Degree and Clockwise, the default orientation is 90. If you select Gon and Clockwise, the default orientation is 100.

    Note: You cannot modify these settings later. The settings are saved in the system table TB_INFO.
  7. On the navigation pane, click the Spatial link and specify the settings used for spatial storage and operations.
    • Dimensions: Select 2D to store the plane geometry (easting, northing) in the GEOM attribute, and the elevation (height) in the Z attribute. For Oracle-based systems only, you can select 3D to enable 3D support, and to store the coordinates (easting, northing, and elevation) in the GEOM attribute.
      Note: AutoCAD Map 3D toolset does not support 3D for Oracle versions below 11g.
    • Tolerance: Defines the maximum precision for numeric data; the default value is 0.0005.
      Note: Tolerance is important for accuracy of coordinates, and is critical for data processing performance and the size of spatial indices. For best results, set it to a consistent value between 0.01 and 0.005 for all tables in a schema. For example, a setting of 0.005 means that measurements in meters can be precise to 5 mm. Project architects are encouraged to set this value before creating any feature classes in the enterprise industry model . The spatial tolerance value can be altered for a specific feature class.
    • Min Northing, Min Easting, Max Northing, Max Easting: Defines the range of the spatial index. For faster performance, set these values close to the actual range of coordinates that is used.
    • Spatial Reference ID: Assigns a spatial reference ID (SRID, or coordinate system). For spatial indexing you can assign a spatial reference system (Oracle Spatial SRID). The SRID is saved in the MDSYS User (CS_SRS). Some valid settings are Switzerland (SRID = Swiss National System—52257); Germany (SRID = GK Zone x -- DHDN).

      This parameter is important for later spatial operations, such as transformation into another system.

      All feature classes will inherit this SRID. See also About Coordinate Systems.

  8. For Oracle-based systems, on the navigation pane, click the Jobs link and specify the settings used for versioning.

    Specify whether to job-enable this industry model. Job enabling controls feature locking and the job perimeter. See also Job-enable an enterprise industry model.

    If you select Enable Jobs, specify whether to use optimistic or pessimistic feature locking.

  9. Click OK.

    If any critical fields are blank, the Create New Industry Model dialog box displays the tab with the missing data. A flashing exclamation point indicates the field you must complete.

    Once all the fields are properly completed, the industry model is created. The basic structure is displayed in the Data Model administrator.

Next workflow: Determine Needed Feature Classes and Attributes