3ds Max C++ API Reference
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ParticleFlow Directory Reference


directory  slate


file  CreatedChannelLinker.h
file  IChannelContainer.h
 An interface to manage channels in ParticleContainer.
file  IICEFlowFileBirthSetup.h
file  IICEFlowParticleFactory.h
file  IICEFlowShapeControl.h
file  IMXSParticleContainer.h
 An interface class to maxscript version of ParticleContainer.
file  IParticleChannel.h
 Channel-generic interfaces IParticleChannel This is a part of every particle channel.
file  IParticleChannelAcceleration.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelAcceleration Acceleration is stored in absolute world coordianates The acceleration is in units per tick The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelPoint3 The acceleration values are set to zero (Point3::Origin) after each integration step.
file  IParticleChannelAmount.h
 Channel-generic interfaces ParticleChannelAmount This is a part of every particle channel and particle container ParticleChannelAmount is a two-part interface: for read (R) and write (W)
file  IParticleChannelAngAxis.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store angle/axis data.
file  IParticleChannelBirthTime.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelBirthTime The channel is used to store time of birth for a particle The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelPTV.
file  IParticleChannelBool.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store bool data.
file  IParticleChannelDeathTime.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelDeathTime The channel is used to store time of death for a particle The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelPTV.
file  IParticleChannelEventStart.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelEventStart The channel is used to store a moment of entering current Event The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelPTV.
file  IParticleChannelExt.h
 Channel-generic interfaces ParticleChannelExt This is a part of a particle channel that has extended interface for advanced funtionality.
file  IParticleChannelExt2.h
 Channel-generic interfaces ParticleChannelExt2 This is a part of a particle channel that has extended interface for advanced funtionality; effectively it's an extension for IParticleChannelExt interface; it's not included in IParticleChannelExt to avoid max SDK break.
file  IParticleChannelFloat.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store float data.
file  IParticleChannelID.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelID.
file  IParticleChannelINode.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store pointers on INode objects.
file  IParticleChannelINodeHandle.h
 Channel-generic interface for particle channels that store INode handle data (ULONGs) The channel can be global (all particles have the same INode handle) and the most common case - shared (particles are sharing a limited set of INode handles)
file  IParticleChannelInt.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store int data.
file  IParticleChannelLifespan.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelLifespan.
file  IParticleChannelMap.h
 Channel-generic interface for particle channels that store data in "map" form A map consists of Tab<UVVert> and Tab<TVFace> information.
file  IParticleChannelMaterialIndex.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelMaterialIndex The channel is used to store material index information The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelInt If the channel is present in the particle container then the index information overrides any material index information in mesh channel with one exception: if index value is -1 then the mesh channel information is kept intact.
file  IParticleChannelMatrix3.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store matrix data.
file  IParticleChannelMesh.h
 Channel-generic interface for particle channels that store data in "mesh" form The channel can be local (each particle has its own mesh) global (all particles have the same mesh) and shared (particles are sharing a limited set of meshes)
file  IParticleChannelMeshMap.h
 Channel-generic interface for particle channels that store data in "mesh map" form The channel store a set of MeshMapChannels.
file  IParticleChannelMXSFloat.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelMXSFloat The channel stores float value for script operators/tests The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelFloat.
file  IParticleChannelMXSInteger.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelMXSInteger The channel stores integer value for script operators/tests The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelInt.
file  IParticleChannelMXSMatrix.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelMXSMatrix The channel stores Matrix3 value for script operators/tests The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelMatrix3.
file  IParticleChannelMXSVector.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelMXSVector The channel stores Point3 value for script operators/tests The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelPoint3.
file  IParticleChannelNew.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelNew.
file  IParticleChannelOrientation.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelOrientation Particle orientation is stored in quaternion form The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelQuat.
file  IParticleChannelPoint3.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store 3D vector data.
file  IParticleChannelPosition.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelPosition Particle position is stored in absolute world coordianates The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelPoint3.
file  IParticleChannelPostCacheMarker.h
 A particle channel to identify a channel container that undergoes a post-cache processing by either Cache Disk or Cache Selective PFlow operators.
file  IParticleChannelPTV.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that keep time data.
file  IParticleChannelQuat.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store quaternion data.
file  IParticleChannels.h
 Collection of headers of all particle channels.
file  IParticleChannelScale.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelScale The channel stores scaling factor for each particle as Point3 value.
file  IParticleChannelSelection.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelSelection The channel is used to track selection status of particles The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelBool.
file  IParticleChannelShape.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelShape The channel is used to store particle representation in mesh form for viewports and during render The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelMesh.
file  IParticleChannelShapeNodeHandle.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelShapeNodeHandle The channel is used to store handle of an INode used to generate geometry shape for a particle representation in mesh form for viewports and during render The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelINodeHandle.
file  IParticleChannelShapeTexture.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelShapeTexture The channel is used to store particle mapping The channel is a wrap around ParticleChannelMeshMap.
file  IParticleChannelSpeed.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelSpeed.
file  IParticleChannelSpin.h
 Channel-specific interface for ParticleChannelSpin.
file  IParticleChannelTabTVFace.h
 Channel-generic interface for particle channels that store data in Tab<TVFace> form The channel can be local (each particle has its own Tab<TVFace>) global (all particles have the same Tab<TVFace>) and shared (particles are sharing a limited set of Tab<TVFace>)
file  IParticleChannelTabUVVert.h
 Channel-generic interface for particle channels that store data in Tab<UVVert> form The channel can be local (each particle has its own Tab<UVVert>) global (all particles have the same Tab<UVVert>) and shared (particles are sharing a limited set of Tab<UVVert>)
file  IParticleChannelTime.h
 Channel-specific interfaces for ParticleChannelTime.
file  IParticleChannelTrueFalseIterator.h
file  IParticleChannelTrueFalseIterator2.h
file  IParticleChannelVoid.h
 Channel-generic interfaces for particle channels that store generic pointers.
file  IParticleContainer.h
 An interface class to ParticleContainer.
file  IParticleGroup.h
 Interface for ParticleGroup object.
file  IParticleGroupExt.h
 Interface for ParticleGroup object.
file  IPFAction.h
 Action-generic interface IPFAction.
file  IPFActionExt.h
 Action-generic interface IPFActionExt.
file  IPFActionList.h
 Interface for PF ActionList An ActionList is a list of actions combined together to control properties of group of particles PF System also implements this interface to keep track of all global Actions for the particle system.
file  IPFActionListMaterialHolder.h
 ActionList interface for material handling.
file  IPFActionListPool.h
 The interface and a method are used to access a list of all ActionList objects in the current scene.
file  IPFActionListSet.h
 Interface for PF ActionList Set It's a set of ActionLists.
file  IPFActionState.h
 Action-generic interface IPFActionState for action state.
file  IPFArrow.h
 Interface for PF Arrow Directs particles from Test to the next ActionList Part of public SDK.
file  IPFIntegrator.h
 Interface for time-integrating PF Operator PF has a default implementation of such interface The interface is used to "advance" particles in time according to some rules.
file  IPFOperator.h
 Operator-generic interface IPFOperator This is a part of every PF Operator.
file  IPFOperatorPhysXWorld.h
file  IPFRender.h
 Render related interface for an Operator.
file  IPFSystem.h
 Interface for Event-Driven Particle System.
file  IPFSystemPool.h
 The interface and a method are used to access a list of all PF particle systems in the current scene.
file  IPFTest.h
 Test-generic interface IPFTest.
file  IPFViewport.h
 Viewport related interface for an Operator If an Operator has a Viewport interface then the Operator is called to draw particles in the current ActionList.
file  IPViewItem.h
 Interface for PViewItem.
file  IPViewItemCreator.h
 Interface for PViewItemCreator.
file  IPViewManager.h
 Interface for ParticleView manager and an access method to get the PViewManager from the scene.
file  OneClickCreateCallBack.h
 MouseCreateCallBack for objects that doesn't have 3D attributes and therefore could be created with just one click.
file  ParticleChannelMask.h
 An interface for ParticleChannelMask.
file  PFActionStateDesc.h
 Class Descriptor for PF ActionState objects (declaration)
file  PFClassIDs.h
 Class and SubClass IDs for PF objects and actions.
file  PFExport.h
 defines preprocessor switch for PF.dll and client application
file  PFMessages.h
 list of REFMSG_USER type messages for PF communications
file  PFSimpleAction.h
 PF SimpleAction (abstract class) header Features that are common for a simplest form of PF Action.
file  PFSimpleActionState.h
 Implementation of ActionState that has only a single random generator.
file  PFSimpleOperator.h
 PF SimpleOperator (abstract class) header Features that are common for a simplest form of PF Operator.
file  PFSimpleTest.h
 PF SimpleTest (abstract class) header.
file  PFVrayClassIDs.h
 Class IDs for PFlow to know about VRay.
file  PreciseTimeValue.h
 Class definitions for PreciseTimeValue.
file  RandObjLinker.h
 Class definitions for RandObjLinker RandObjLinker links (creates) a RandGenerator for each supplied Object (usually its a particle system).
file  SimpleRandom.h
 A random number generator to be used by PFlow operators when processing particle channel data in post-cache stage.