Skeleton menu

Found in the Rigging menu set.


Note: You can find other Joint options, such as Draw Style, Joint Orient, and Degrees of Freedom by selecting a joint and looking in the Attribute or Node Editor.
Create Joints

Opens the Joint Tool.

Insert Joints
Opens the Insert Joint Tool.
Mirror Joints
Duplicates the current parent’s joint chain across the specified plane. See Mirroring joint chains and Mirror joint chains.
Select Skeleton > Mirror Joint > to open the Mirror Joint Options, which let you specify the plane to mirror the joints across, as well as the orientation of the resulting duplicate joints.
Orient Joint
To open and change the Orient Joint Options options, click Skeleton > Orient Joint > .
Remove Joints
Deletes the current joint and unites the remaining joints and bones into a single joint chain. See Remove joints.
Connect Joint

Connects the selected joints. See Connect joints.

Select Skeleton > Connect Joint > to open the Connect Joint options and select either of the following:

Connect Joint
Connects the selected joints and moves the joint chain of the first joint to the position of the second joint. After connecting the joints, use Remove Joint to delete the extra joint.
Parent Joint
Connects the selected joints by inserting a new bone between them. See also Connecting joint chains and skeletons.
Disconnect Joint

Breaks the skeleton at the current joint, separating the skeleton into two joint chains. See Disconnect joints.

Reroot Skeleton
Designates the current joint as the parent or root of its hierarchy. See Reroot skeletons.
Joint Labelling
Opens the Joint Labelling Menu.


Create IK Handle
Opens the IK Handle Tool
Create IK Spline Handle

Opens the IK Spline Handle Tool.

Set Preferred Angle
Sets the current skeleton’s preferred angles. See also Understanding the attributes of a joint.
Click Skeleton > Set Preferred Angle > to view the Preferred Angle Options and specify whether to set the preferred angle for the current joint or for all the joints from the current joint to its chain’s end joint.
Selected Joint
Sets the current angle of the selected joint as its preferred angle.
Sets the current angles of all the joints from the selected joint to the joint at the end of the chain as their preferred angles.
Assume Preferred Angle
Returns the current skeleton’s joints to the angles they possessed when their preferred angles were initially set. This function can also be accessed from a marking menu when you right-click a joint chain or skeleton.
Click Skeleton > Assume Preferred Angle > to open the Set Preferred Angle options to specify whether to reset the current joint’s angle to its preferred angle or to reset all the joints from the current joint to its chain’s end joint to their preferred angles.
Selected Joint
Resets the current angle of the selected joint to its preferred angle.
Resets the current angles of all the joints from the selected joint to the joint at the end of the chain to their preferred angles.

See also:

Enable IK Handle Snap
Causes the IK handle to snap back to its end joint’s position. By default, Enable IK Handle Snap is on.
See also: Snap Enable
Enable IK/FK Control
When Enable IK/FK Control is on, you can rotate the joints in an IK chain whether or not the IK handle has keys. Also, Enable IK/FK Control disables Enable IK Handle Snap. See Skeleton > Enable IK Handle Snap.
When Enable IK/FK Control is off, you can not rotate the joints in an IK chain unless you disable its IK handle.
Enable Selected IK Handles
Turns the editability of the selected IK handles on, and sets their Ik Blend values (in their IK Solver Attributes) to 1.000. When Ik Blend is 1.000, the IK animation is in full control of the skeleton.
Disable Selected IK Handles
Turns the editability of the selected Ik handles off, and sets their IK Blend values (in their IK Solver Attributes) to 0.000. When Ik Blend is 0.000, the FK animation is in full control of the skeleton.
See also: Enable Selected IK Handles.
Quick Rig
Opens the Quick Rig tool. See Create an automatic character rig for a mesh.
Opens the HumanIK window.

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