About To and From Line Information

To and From line information is automatically created and stored for the pipe lines represented in your P&ID drawings. You can’t manually change the information stored in the To or From fields for a line segment. The From field indicates where the line segment originates, and the To field indicates a line segment’s destination. As you make changes to a P&ID drawing by moving line segments or adding components, the To and From information is constantly being updated.

The following table explains the different situations in which information is reported for the From or To field on a line segment:

If the line segment originates from This tag is reported
equipment equipment
another pipe line segment pipe line segment
multiple pipe line segments one for each pipe line segment, separated by commas
a tagged inline item (such as a control valve) inline item (only if it is being used as the endline item)
a reducer or other segment breaker such as a spec break pipe line segment on the other side of the reducer/breaker
a non-tagged item (such as a pipe cap) the component’s description
neither a component, inline tagged item, nor non-tagged item no value

Off-page connectors are not used to determine the values for the To and From fields for a line segment. When a line segment is attached to an off-page connector, the To or From field is reported based on what the terminating component, inline tagged item, or non-tagged item is on the other drawing.